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Cities in China : The next generation of urban research, part 3

Dublin Core


Cities in China : The next generation of urban research, part 3


China, Chine, mutation urbaine, migration urbaine, économie, développement urbain


Papers (only papers in English listed) :
Anna Boermel - Discourse and experience : An anthropolical study of 'old age' in urban China (Beijing)
Guo Chen - Urban poverty in a socialist country : Myths and realities. Changing urban landscape in transitional China since the 1970s
Yanguang Chen - Spatial changes of Chinese cities under the condition of exo-urbanization
Angelina Chin - Molding women's urban citizenship : Management of 'deviant' women in Guangzhou in the 1920s and 1930s
Yiping Fang - Residential satisfaction conceptual framework revisited - a study on redeveloped neighborhoods in inner city Beijing Shenjing He - The changing rationale and interest distribution of urban redevelopment in Shanghai William Hurst - The unmaking of the Chinese proletariat : The politics of xiagang Dror Kochan - Moving images : Internal migration in contemporary Chinese cinema Zhigang Li - Socioeconomic transformations in Shanghai, 1990-2000 Xuejun Liu - Report on the unemployment in urban China Jianto Lu - Using spatial analysis and spatial modeling techniques to detect the spatial difference between overseas Chinese and non-Chinese investments in urban China Erik Mobrand - Beyond household registers and floating populations : Migration controls and their demise in China Jinghao Sun - Urbanization in the absence of rural-based commercialization : The pivotal role of transportation in late Imperial Jining Dong Wang - Property rights reform in China : A case study of Hutang Town, Jiangsu Province (A progress report) Wenfei Winnie Wang and C. Cindy Fan - Success or failure : Selectivity and reasons of return migration in Sichuan and Anhui, China Xiaogang Wu - Registration status, labor migration, and socioeconomic attainment in China's segmented labor markets Zhou Yu - Heterogenity and dynamics in China's emerging urban housing market : Two sides of a success story from the late 1990s  


Multiple authors


Urban China Research Network  


12 - 14 December 2004



