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The psychogeographic mapping of a city: City-dwellers and lived spaces in Walker Evans' Havana

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The psychogeographic mapping of a city: City-dwellers and lived spaces in Walker Evans' Havana


psychogeography, psychogéographie, flâneur, flânerie, Havana, La Havane, photographie, Evans Walter, histoire urbaine, Kent James Clifford


Full title: The psychogeographic mapping of a city: City-dwellers and lived spaces in Walker Evans' Havana portfolio (1933)
In this research seminar, James Clifford Kent starts by introducing 'the origins of fascinations with Walker Evans and his Havana portfolio, before considering how it fits into the broader discussion of the flâneur'. He also attempts to 'define psychogeography's place in the study of the flâneur and street photography, before exploring the historical context, within which Evans's images of Havana from 1933 were produced'.
James Clifford Kent is a British documentary-filmmaker and photography who teachers in the School of Modern Languages, Literature and Cultures at Royal Holloway, University of London, and in the Spanish Department at Coventry University.


James Clifford Kent


22 February 2012

