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Urban studies : Special issue - Cities, justice and conflict

Dublin Core


Urban studies : Special issue - Cities, justice and conflict


, injustice, conflit, conflit urbain, géographie urbaine, droit à la ville, right to the city, mutation sociale, gouvernance, politique de la ville, Routledge Paul


Abstract from the publisher :
Urban Studies was first published in 1964 to provide an international forum of social and economic contributions to the fields of urban and regional planning. Since then, the Journal has expanded to encompass the increasing range of disciplines and approaches that have been brought to bear on urban and regional problems. Contents include original articles, notes and comments, and a comprehensive book review section. Regular contributions are drawn from the fields of economics, planning, political science, statistics, geography, sociology, population studies and public administration. The Journal also publishes the occasional ‘state of the art’ article, consisting of an analytical review of the major strands of contemporary thinking in a given topic area, supported by an extended bibliography of the topic. All articles are peer-reviewed.

Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Contents :
Paul Routledge - Obituary: Duncan Fuller 10 January 1972—3 October 2008
Paul Routledge - Introduction: Cities, Justice and Conflict
Lila Leontidou - Urban Social Movements in ‘Weak’ Civil Societies: The Right to the City and Cosmopolitan Activism in Southern Europe
Paul Chatterton - So What Does It Mean to be Anti-capitalist? Conversations with Activists from Urban Social Centres
Nik Heynen - Cooking up Non-violent Civil-disobedient Direct Action for the Hungry: ‘Food Not Bombs’ and the Resurgence of Radical Democracy in the US
Bruce D'Arcus - The Urban Geography of Red Power: The American Indian Movement in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, 1968-70
Tim Bunnell, S. Nagarajan, and Andrew Willford - From the Margins to Centre Stage: ‘Indian’ Demonstration Effects in Malaysia’s Political Landscape
Paul Routledge - Nineteen Days in April: Urban Protest and Democracy in Nepal
Jim Glassman - "The Provinces Elect Governments, Bangkok Overthrows Them": Urbanity, Class and Post-democracy in Thailand
Justus Uitermark and Amy-Jane Gielen - Islam in the Spotlight: The Mediatisation of Politics in an Amsterdam Neighbourhood
Ruth Panelli and Wendy Larner - Timely Partnerships? Contrasting Geographies of Activism in New Zealand and Australia
  Paul Routledge is a Reader in Human Geography at the University of Glasgow  






May 2010


1163 - 1366

