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Cities in transition : Globalization, political change and urban development

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Cities in transition : Globalization, political change and urban development


, mondialisation, développement urbain, mutation urbaine, politique de la ville, Schneider-Sliwa Rita


Abstract from the publisher :
This book was written with the aim of showing that even in the era of globalization developments appearing in cities are not subject to almost unconditional global forces. Rather, universal forces are decisive eventualities in the process of urban restructuring, often influencing its course and speed, yet developments and particularities within a city strongly influence the course of events and the extent to which negative characteristics of globalization might occur. Local forces are central in the process of change and they may influence the perceived unstoppable process of globalization, leading to considerable qualitative and quantitative differences in the urban development processes of the globalization era. It thus challenges Sassen’s hypothesis that globalization as a process forces uniformity upon individual regions or cities and imprints macro-cultural structural patterns onto local forms. It focuses on the interplay between local and global forces whose influence is strongly affected by the very different spatial and temporal local constellations and development factors which give globalization a local flavour.

Berlin, Brussels, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sarajevo and Vienna: Using these important cities the special relationship between global and local/regional forces is analyzed. The case studies were selected based on their political and cultural context and the fact that their social and political fabric was subject to major changes in the recent past. How global processes manifest themselves locally depends to a great extent on how development processes and endogenic potentials are initiated locally in order to cope with the new global economic and societal conditions.
Contents :
Theoretical framework
Global and local forces in cities undergoing political change - R. Schneider-Sliwa
Berlin: Coping with the past – looking ahead - K. Lenz
The political geography of an eternal city: Ethno-territorial fragmentation in a "united" Jerusalem - D. Newma
Power transferred. Hong Kong: China’s global city - W. Breitung.
Sarajevo: Isolation in a country falling apart - D. Simko
Moscow: Capital of a decimated world power - J. Stadelbauer.
St. Petersburg: Kiosks as mediators of the new market economy - A. Papadopoulos and K. Axenov
Johannesburg: Life after Apartheid - J. Bahr and U. Jurgens
New perspectives for Vienna: Repositioning between East and West - A. Kampschulte
Brussels: Pseudo-capital of Europe. Perspectives of Belgium’s global city in-the-making - A. Papadopoulos
Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: The long struggle of two cities / Recovering from endless war - R. Marr
Global change and local reality - R. Schneider-Sliwa
  Rita Schneider-Sliwa is Full Professor of Geography, Urban and Regional Studies at the Institute of Geography, Universität Basel.  






October 2010



