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In a globalizing world, with borders becoming blurred and international competition increasing, cities need to be constantly aware of their own international competitive position. Whereas enterprises can strengthen their position through takeovers,…

In transforming deprived areas into great places to live much attention has been given to the physical, social and economical aspects of deprivation. However, little is known about the relationship between deprivation and emotional ties: What makes…

Old industrial areas have made broad use of new strategies as the means to overcome the difficulties created by the restructuring of their former economic foundation. The attempt to provide an appropriate environment for both fostering economic…

The central argument of this thesis is that while the approach to the study of both politics of stabilization and adjustment and the Third World has added significantly to our understanding of the nature of political systems and political cultures,…

Perth, Western Australia - a city become region one hundred kilometres in length and expanding yet - is a place variously adored and scorned; one noted widely for its landscape and its horizon, and relatively rarely for its architecture. Young, low…

Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, has been influenced by Chinese culture, French colonization, war with the US, socialism from the USSR, and more recently, connection to the global capitalist market. The city today exposes a great dynamic mixture of…

The objective of the dissertation was to give a comparative analysis of neighbourhood dynamics in the inner-city of Budapest, under the post-socialist and at the same time globalised, new market economic circumstances. The urban phenomena that…

The Indigenous past is largely absent from settler representations of the history of the city of Toronto, Canada. Nineteenth and twentieth century historical chroniclers often downplayed the historic presence of the Mississaugas and their Indigenous…

The current consensus in housing policy recognizes the importance of learning from rather than about informal settlements. To serve this end, this dissertation presents a novel methodology for investigating land and housing markets. The methodology…

This PhD thesis is a study of urban transformation in a Libyan city. The case study focuses on the city of Tripoli, the capital of Libya. It is at the same time an old city as well as a modern city, and can be identified as a major world city. Libya…

This dissertation is about a project conducted in two neighbouring municipalities, Kerkrade and Herzogenrath, both situated on the Dutch-German border. The project’s goal was to become a
single border-crossing municipality which was to be called…

In contemporary debates on the imagination and representation of the city, many scholars argue that there are many different ways to imagine or represent a city. A city can have different meanings to different people in different times and different…

The city in the twenty-first century is in the midst of dramatic changes, and yet many have yet to fully manifest themselves, still concealed in technology and distributed enough to escape general understanding within the existing context of built…

This thesis is based on fieldwork undertaken in Ifrane, a migrant city in the Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco. The community has always faced what Simon Harrison has called a ‘scarcity’ of identity in suffering social, cultural, linguistic and…

This dissertation deals with the period bridging the era of extreme housing shortages in Stockholm on the eve of industrialisation and the much admired programmes of housing provision that followed after the second world war, when Stockholm district…

At the time when the post-WWII neighbourhoods were built, they were much wanted housing environments. Today, however, they face many problems with safety, concentrations of poverty, and liveability. Much good is expected of social cohesion to restore…

This dissertation examines the growth of tourism as a strategy for downtown renewal in the postwar American city. In the years after World War II, American cities declined precipitously as residents and businesses relocated to rapidly-expanding…

My enquiry starts from a practical perspective: that of the intractable problems of our inner cities; inadequate service delivery, absent infrastructure, poverty, unemployment. Themes unquiet and persistent. I offer a critique of approaches to policy…

The overarching aim of this study is to create new knowledge about how playful interactions (re)create the city via ubiquitous technologies, with an outlook to apply the knowledge for pragmatic innovations in relevant fields such as urban planning…

Guangzhou was the Chinese city where the first large-scale urban re-structuring attempt was made by the Nationalist Government to transform it from a pre-modern, walled city into a modern metropolis in the early-twentieth century. The municipal…
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