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  • Collection: Autres serveurs

Ce travail analyse la localisation du commerce de détail bruxellois sous l'angle des facteurs de localisation différentielle, c'est-à-dire en examinant les caractéristiques des lieux qui ont une influence sur le fonctionnement du commerce, en terme…

Début de l'introduction :

Les biens fonciers, c’est-à-dire les terrains, représentent une ressource première non reproductible et physiquement limitée. Les biens fonciers correspondent aussi à un facteur de production, indispensable à la…

Il y a aujourd'hui peu de connexions entre les analyses économiques des structures urbaines d'une part, et les travaux en économie des transports et de l'environnement d'autre part. Cependant, bien qu'en apparence disjoints, ces domaines…


En Madrid, corte y capital del Estado durante más de cuatro siglos, la importancia de lo público se refleja en todos los órdenes y a todos los niveles. Una de estas manifestaciones, y no la de menor importancia, es la existencia de…

There have been recent contributions to the world city literature and the new economic geography literature that have focused on city connectivity and practicebased research, through concepts such as city actor-networks, relational geographies and…

Cette thèse pose comme problématique l'effet culturelle de l'homogénéisation dans le niveau international (la France et la Japon) des systèmes techniques. J'approche cette question par l'observation des rapports entre les techniques, formes et usages…

The following research survey results which are being presented in this volume contain four chapters: In Chapter One, the geographical situation of Tehran, the history of its existence, etymology, and demographics, as well as their development and…

Cette thèse interroge la relation entre un type de territoire, les quartiers périphériques, et une forme d'approche politique, la démocratie participative. Elle s'appuie sur la comparaison de trois quartiers européens et vise ainsi à comprendre…

This dissertation explores the relationship between urban space and urban text according to the principles outlined by the Moscow-Tartu School of Semiotics in the 1980s and 90s. While the Petersburg Text in V.N. Toporov's formulation has become a…

The thesis seeks to demonstrate that during the period between 1986 and 2006, some of the principal cities of the Spanish metropolitan system, have undergone significant change in terms of their European competitiveness. It is suggested that in the…

This thesis explores the premise that during the late Victorian and Edwardian eras there existed a significant and influential division within the working class of England's industrial towns and cities. This division, based largely on economic…

This dissertation examines how public history and historic preservation have changed during the twentieth century by examining the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1683, Germantown is one of America’s most…

This dissertation is about a project conducted in two neighbouring municipalities, Kerkrade and Herzogenrath, both situated on the Dutch-German border. The project’s goal was to become a
single border-crossing municipality which was to be called…

This study examines the interrelationships and their location among a set of social conditions across the inner city neighborhoods in a northern industrial city over the decade of the 1980s. Specifically, it addresses the questions of whether there…

Pinter's dramas have been labelled as 'absurd', 'mysterious', 'enigmatic', 'taciturn'. There has been a constant tendency to reduce the idea of the 'Pinteresque' to language when Pinter is preoccupied with the tensions between reality and the world…

This work is an action research that deals with the theme of urban ethnic poverties, with particulare reference to the Italian phenomenon of the Roma encampments. The study is important because through the research on a single case study, the…

Amusement space embodies hegemonic and Utopian dialogue concerning urban conditions. Throughout the twentieth century, two rival urban visions have reigned: the Coney Island model, a chancy, participatory theatre where patrons can confront head-on…

The city in the twenty-first century is in the midst of dramatic changes, and yet many have yet to fully manifest themselves, still concealed in technology and distributed enough to escape general understanding within the existing context of built…

This thesis is a social history of Bombay city in the first quarter of the twentieth century. It explores material changes in urban life consequent upon the impact of modernity and the varied range of contestations of the colonial order which they…

This thesis details the development of fora in Rome and Pompeii in order that our understanding of these spaces as 'centres' accounts for their changing relationship with the city, between the third century B.C. and the second century A.D. It is a…
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