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  • Collection: Autres serveurs

Ce travail cherche à vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle le nombre d’emplois qui peuvent être atteints en un temps de déplacement donné est inégal entre catégories sociales de la région parisienne. Il mobilise un indicateur d’accessibilité reposant…

There are a number of debates currently taking place in the 'North' that suggest that faith-based organisations (FBOs) are better placed to address urban poverty and to facilitate grassroots regeneration than the state. Accordingly, religious…

Numerous communities have adopted some form of urban containment policies (UCPs), such as greenbelt, urban growth boundaries (UGBs), and urban service areas (USAs), as methods to prevent urban sprawl and protect open space. Although there is…

Cities in the world are changing rapidly. In the Western societies, changes are driven by the transformation from Fordism to post-Fordism and postmodernism. In the East, changes are triggered by profound social and economic reforms. Changes in the…

My dissertation examines the city making process of Wuhan out of three different towns. The three towns, Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang, located at the confluence of the Yangzi River and its largest tributary, the Han River, were divided by water and…

Currently change in cities is accelerating intricately and diversely because of technological advances, information floods, increased openness, and the rising standard of living. While city development depended on the activation of urban marketing, a…

This dissertation examines how public history and historic preservation have changed during the twentieth century by examining the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1683, Germantown is one of America’s most…

Over the last four decades, cities - especially those in the developing world - have been expanding exponentially. With this growth in 'urbanization' and as a consequence of a rise in urban poverty, the issue of urban problems is now a topic of…

L'actuelle augmentation des vitesses de déplacements, observée par les Enquêtes Globales des Transports en Île-de-France, constitue l'indicateur le plus significatif de la croissance de la mobilité urbaine. Cette accélération, générale et soutenue,…

A Abidjan, les déficiences de la planification spatiale ont favorisé la multiplication de quartiers précaires sous-équipés où vivent des populations majoritairement pauvres. Dans cet environnement de précarité, les conditions de mobilité des…
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