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Through interacting with urban and architectural spaces, pedestrian pathway's ambient fingerprints delineate ambiences with identifiable characteristics, thus characterizing landscape perception potentialities. Based on a measure of the surrounding…
Abstract from the publisher : You don't have to live in Paris to experience her unique beauty, allure, and enchantment. With this dazzling literary celebration of the City of Light, you can stroll along the Seine with David Sedaris in Me Talk…

This article analyses post-apartheid public spaces through social and spatial practices at the Victoria & Alfred (V&A) Waterfront mall in Cape Town. Our empirical evidence suggests that these public spaces involve much more than just consumption…

Material flow analysis (MFA) is a powerful tool that helps understanding national, regional and urban metabolism. It provides some indicators of (un)sustainability and can contribute to the definition of public environmental policy. The paper…

This chapter is an empirical attempt to identify the nature and regional dimension of port-city relationships on a world scale. Although general processes of such relationships can be identified in the literature, regional variations are still not…

We extend the monocentric model by considering a discrete number of accessible mass transit stations. Households combine two modes for their daily home-to-work trip: a first mode for terminal access to stations and a second (long haul) mode which…

We describe in this article a multiagent urban traffic simulation, as we believe individual-based modeling is necessary to encompass the complex influence the actions of an individual vehicle can have on the overall flow of vehicles. We first…

In Probabilistic Risk Management, risk is characterized by two quantities: the magnitude (or severity) of the adverse consequences that can potentially result from the given activity or action, and by the likelihood of occurrence of the given adverse…

La crise du fordisme de la fin du XXème siècle a mis en échec les stratégies et les mécanismes classiques de gestion des flux materiels et immatériels désormais produits par une économie toujours plus globalisée. Selon certains auteurs comme Veltz,…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Place publique lancent Les Chroniques de l’Île, une collection d’ouvrages consacrés à ce nouveau pan de ville qui se construit sous nos yeux. Accepter…

This dissertation examines the growth of tourism as a strategy for downtown renewal in the postwar American city. In the years after World War II, American cities declined precipitously as residents and businesses relocated to rapidly-expanding…

Présentation par l'éditeur : Ce livre réunit les actes du colloque international accueilli à l’Hôtel de Ville en octobre 2005, qui souhaitait esquisser, comme le souligne Daniel Roche en introduction, par…

Dans la définition des outils d’évaluation environnementale et de qualité de vie, l’empreinte écologique (Ecological Footprint), proposée par William Rees et Mathis Wackernagel (1996), est utilisée comme un important indicateur environnemental et de…

Cartografia comentada dos primeiros resultados da Contagem 2007 do IBGE

Geographical mobility increases in all domains and on all spatial scales: tourism practices, migrations, business trips, commuting, leisure circulation and so on. It has become an impor- tant phenomenon for research in the social sciences.…

Ce texte a pour principal objectif de proposer quelques hypothèses qui permettraient de décrypter les interférences entre l'actuelle patrimonialisation de l'héritage architectural bâti sous la domination coloniale française à Casablanca et le…
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