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Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Berlin : An urban experiment?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 recordings of the entire conference are available on the Urban Age website.…
Contents : Daniel Immergluck - Neighborhoods in the Wake of the Debacle: Intrametropolitan Patterns of Foreclosed Properties Bonnie Lindstrom - The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus: Institution Building in a Political Fragmented Metropolitan Region Amy…
Abstract from the publisher: Urban Affairs Review is a leading scholarly journal on urban issues and themes. For almost five decades scholars, researchers, policymakers, planners, and administrators have turned to Urban Affairs Review for the latest…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban Affairs Review is a leading scholarly journal on urban issues and themes. For almost five decades scholars, researchers, policymakers, planners, and administrators have turned to Urban Affairs Review for the…
Contents : Bas Denters and Pieter-Jan Klok - Rebuilding Roombeek: Patterns of Citizen Participation in Urban Governance Aaron M. Pallas and Jennifer L. Jennings - A Multiplex Theory of Urban Service Distribution: The Case of School…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban Affairs Review is a leading scholarly journal on urban issues and themes. For almost five decades scholars, researchers, policymakers, planners, and administrators have turned to Urban Affairs Review for the…

Urban Affairs Review, revue américaine s'intéressant aux problématiques urbaines (politique urbaine des États-Unis, développement économique urbain, développement résidentiel et communautaire,…

Entrée du dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie publié aux PUF en 1991.
Présentation par l'éditeur : "L'opposition ville-campagne a vieilli. La ville a gagné la partie car la société urbaine est parvenu à imposer ses modes de fonctionnement à la société…
Abstract from the publisher : With the stroke of a pen at the Potsdam Conference following the Allied victory in 1945, Breslau, the largest German city east of Berlin, became the Polish city of Wroclaw. Its more than six hundred thousand…

Patrick Le Gales discusses his research on the upper middle classes in European cities, questioning to what extent they are isolated from the social and economic fabric of the city, and how this destabilises and reconfigures modern society. Patrick…

This paper analyzes forms and functions of regional networking within Greater Cairo, focusing on Upper Egyptian networking.

From the introduction :

Metropolitan cities grow beyond imaginable proportions, particularly in the developing world. Urban issues therefore warrant - and receive - increasing attention. The national capital of India, Delhi, is a city where…

It is hard to overestimate the scholarly impact of Saskia Sassen’s global city theoretical framework, which revolves around the impact of economic globalization on the social, economic, and political reality of cities in advanced economies. Yet, more…

Cet article porte sur les enjeux de signalisation routière pendant l'entre-deux-guerres. Il esquisse d'abord la relation souvent difficile entre l'automobile et la ville d'une part et la société en général. Il revient sur le rôle de la signalisation…

Depuis la fin des années 1990, les complexes résidentiels sécurisés focalisent l'attention d’une communauté scientifique interdisciplinaire. S’interrogeant sur leur émergence au cours de ces deux dernières décennies, la majorité des publications…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Appelées de plus en plus à participer à de projets de développement basés sur la connaissance, les universités subissent de fortes pressions, pour se…
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