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  • Mots-clés: histoire de l'urbanisme
Abstract from the publisher : Between 1550 and 1700, artillery siege warfare transformed the European city, which was theorized, fortified, violated, rebuilt, and celebrated by leading artists and architects. The fortified perimeter, with its…
Abstract from the publisher : Cincinnati’s historic Over-the-Rhine neighborhood began in the nineteenth century as a nonelite suburb and became in the twentieth century an inner-city slum, burdened with a broad range of problems characteristic…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Ce travail d’architecte-historien extrêmement fouillé et documenté traque, à l’occasion de la rencontre de l’auteur de l’Esprit nouveau, du concepteur de…

Ce livre pourrait aussi s’appeler « Si Bruxelles m’était contée à travers les rêves des architectes, et urbanistes ». Il illustre, à l’aide d’images pleine page commentées, leur ambition de donner à la ville un visage de capitale à travers de grands…
Extract from the preface : This book is a considerably revised version of my doctoral dissertation. I wanted it to deal with ongoing social trends instead of the merely exotic or the archaic, so often pursued by anthropologists... Brasília…
Abstract from the publisher : Beijing Record, the result of ten years of research on the urban transformation of Beijing in the last fifty years, brings to an extended Western audience the inside story on the key decisions that led to Beijing's…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Bâtir la vie est un récit, recueilli et mis en forme en 1977 par Michel Lefebvre. Candilis raconte son extraordinaire parcours, de Bakou à Athènes, Paris, Casablanca ou La…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Ce portrait de la capitale catalane, sous forme d'une généalogie de son espace urbain, met en exergue ses singularités, liées à son histoire, à la géographie…

Organisers' description : Cities seem to come in two kinds: the organic, with their irregular patterns of space; and the geometric, with their regular grids. The former we take to be the bottom-up products of everyday life, the latter the…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Véritable pendant de Apprendre à voir l'architecture (1959, 18 éditions) pour la compréhension de l'urbanisme, Apprendre à voir la ville permet de cerner tous les…
Abstract from the publisher: American urban form--the spaces, places, and boundaries that define city life--has been evolving since the first settlements of colonial days. The changing patterns of houses, buildings, streets, parks, pipes and wires,…
Abstract from the publisher : City planning is an ancient activity but a modern profession. The city planning profession in the United States arose from the urban reform movements of the 1890s and early years of this century. Here, in a volume…
From the preface : The American city: we think of the Manhattan skyline, of Chicago curving along the shore of Lake Michigan, or of the Golden Gate Bridge arcing into San Francisco. Or, if we think historically, we might envision steerage…
Abstract from the publisher : An in-depth look at the urban history of British Bombay It was the era of the Raj, and yet A Joint Enterprise reveals the unexpected role of native communities in the transformation of the urban fabric of British…
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