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  • Mots-clés: croissance urbaine
Abstract from the publisher : The theme of this book is the interplay of geography, size, and industrial structure in determining the industrial vigor of cities. At any point in time, a city's economic prospects are determined by location,…
Abstract from the publisher : In a rapidly urbanizing world -- over half the world’s population lives in urban areas, including many millions in informal settlement -- the large cities of the developing world in particular are expanding. Yet…

Organisers' description : “State, Space and Citizenship” is the title of a year of thematic programming on key issues confronting Indian cities, beginning in January 2009. This is sponsored by the Center for South Asian Studies at the…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Istanbul, Paris sont deux métropoles aux évolutions contrastées mais cependant confrontées aux mêmes dilemmes : comment croître en assurant l'intégration des…

Quatrième de couverture : Les mutations de l'occupation de l'espace et les conflits qu'elles provoquent deviennent aujourd'hui une question importante pour les sciences sociales. Les résistances liées au processus de…
Abstract from the publisher : Architect Alexander D'Hooghe believes urban design has lost its way. Once among the most articulate and avant-garde of disciplines, the field now lacks, he suggests, the confidence necessary to address its most…
Abstract from the publisher : Some cities seem destined to become major financial capitals, yet never do—Seville, for instance, was the centre of Spain's opulent New World Empire, but failed to become a financial metropolis. Others, like…
L’architecte est-il encore partie prenante dans la production de l’urbain ? Les domaines d’exercice professionnel de l’architecture ou de l’urbanisme couvrent-ils encore l’ensemble des champs de compétence et de fonctionnalité nécessaires pour…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban Tourism and Urban Change: Cities in a Global Economy provides both a sociological / cultural analysis of change that has taken place in many of the world's cities. This focused treatment of urban tourism examines…
Edward Glaeser looks at the history of New York and its contemporary character in order to answer the question of why New York became the largest city in America. He focuses especially on the economic aspects behind the city's growth.


Quels sont les facteurs de la croissance urbaine ? Pourquoi certaines villes se développent-elles plus que d’autres ? Comment explique-t-on qu’une population cesse d’augmenter ? Autant de questions, propres aux sciences sociales modernes, qui dès…
Abstract from the publisher: Under Jini Kim Watson’s scrutiny, the Asian Tiger metropolises of Seoul, Taipei, and Singapore reveal a surprising residue of the colonial environment. Drawing on a wide array of literary, filmic, and political…
Extract from the lecture transcript :

Today, I want to do the impossible and talk about urbanization and urban growth in fifty minutes. I'll give the classic example, which is the greatest project of human intervention or rebuilding, that is the…

Abstract from the publisher: Critical Scholarship in Urban Sociology.... These classic and recent articles published in IJURR provide a flavour of the kind of critical urban scholarship associated with the journal. IJURR is a forum for scholarship…
Abstract from the publisher : The Open Urban Studies Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes original research articles, reviews and short articles in the field of urban and regional studies. Topics covered include : theory,…
Abstract from the publisher : This volume of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture offers a current and authoritative reference to urbanization in the American South from the eighteenth century to the twenty-first, surveying important southern…

To access the document : Click the folder icon in the left-hand column, then click the 'Book manuscripts' folder. Then open the folder 'The city as an entertainment machine' and open the file. This will download to your computer a folder…
Abstract from the publisher : By the year 2000, Latin America will contain five metropolitan areas with more than 8 million people. Their combined population will be over 70 million, and approximately one Latin American in seven will live in those…
Extract from the Foreword by Heitor Gurgulino de Souza : With contributions from prominent urban planning scholars and experts in Africa, The Urban Challenge in Africa: Growth and Management of Its Large Cities, edited by Professor Carole Rakodi of…
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