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  • Mots-clés: croissance urbaine
Présentation par l'éditeur : Métropolisation, croissance des villes, ville néolibérale, ville et développement, ville et économie de la connaissance, inégalités socio-spatiales,…

Anant Maringanti is an independent scholar specialising in human geography, based in Hyderabad. Amita Baviskar is at the Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi. Karen Coelho is at the Madras Institute of Development Studies. Vinay Gidwani is…
Abstract from the publisher: Megacity development and the inherent risks and opportunities for humans and the environment is a theme of growing urgency in the 21st century. Focusing on Latin America where urbanization is most advanced, this book…
Sebha, ville pionnière au coeur du Sahara lybien. Urbanisation, immigration, développement, tensions. Présentation par l'éditeur : Capitale du Fezzan, Sebha a connu ces dernières décennies une croissance…
Abstract from the publisher : Each year, more than 15 million Chinese leave the rural areas of China and move to the cities. This figure exceeds 300,000 in the case of Shanghai. Before 2015, the majority of China’s population will be living…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Half of humanity now lives in cities, and within two decades, nearly 60 per cent of the world’s people will be urban dwellers. Urban growth is most rapid in the developing world, where cities gain an…

Organisers' description : “State, Space and Citizenship” is the title of a year of thematic programming on key issues confronting Indian cities, beginning in January 2009. This is sponsored by the Center for South Asian Studies at the…
Abstract from the publisher : The rapid growth of suburban communities has been a prominent feature of social change in Japan since the 1920s. In western Tokyo alone the suburban population, which at that time numbered fewer than three hundred…
Abstract from the publisher : Most urban growth over the last several decades has been in suburban areas, but research in urban sociology and other urban disciplines has been focused on the city (the global city, the networked city, the…
Présentation par l'éditeur : La réforme agraire, le premier choc pétrolier et la révolution islamique ont tour à tour bouleversé le visage de la capitale iranienne, jusqu’à…

Quatrième de couverture : Les mutations de l'occupation de l'espace et les conflits qu'elles provoquent deviennent aujourd'hui une question importante pour les sciences sociales. Les résistances liées au processus de…
Contents : Robert E. Park - The city : Suggestions for the investigation of human behavior in the urban environment Ernest W. Burgess - The growth of the city : An introduction to a research project R. D. McKenzie - The ecological approach to the…

To access the document : Click the folder icon in the left-hand column, then click the 'Book manuscripts' folder. Then open the folder 'The city as an entertainment machine' and open the file. This will download to your computer a folder…
Abstract from the publisher : The theme of this book is the interplay of geography, size, and industrial structure in determining the industrial vigor of cities. At any point in time, a city's economic prospects are determined by location,…

The proceedings of a 2002 conference held at the Centre of comparative European history, Berlin, on the topic 'The European metropolis 1920 - 2000'. Contents : Linking scales and urban network development - R. Wall and G.A. van der Knapp New Forms…
Abstract from the publisher : Some cities seem destined to become major financial capitals, yet never do—Seville, for instance, was the centre of Spain's opulent New World Empire, but failed to become a financial metropolis. Others, like…
Extract from the 'Biographical Note' by Barclay G. Jones : Lewis Mumford is certainly correct in describing The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century as a "classic pioneer work". It is the first really sound, comprehensive, and…
Abstract from the publisher : These interdisciplinary studies address pre-1900 non-Western urban growth in the African Sudan, Mexico, the Ottoman Middle East, and South, Southeast, and East Asia. Therein, primary and secondary cities served as…
Abstract from the publisher : Architect Alexander D'Hooghe believes urban design has lost its way. Once among the most articulate and avant-garde of disciplines, the field now lacks, he suggests, the confidence necessary to address its most…
Abstract from the publisher : By the year 2000, Latin America will contain five metropolitan areas with more than 8 million people. Their combined population will be over 70 million, and approximately one Latin American in seven will live in those…
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