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  • Mots-clés: urbanisation
Présentation par l'éditeur : Comment se ravitailler en vivres pendant trois décennies dans une ville stratégique en pleine mutation ? Sont abordés à travers le temps plusieurs thèmes : l'urbanisation,…

Organisers' description : “The New Urban Question – Urbanism beyond Neo-liberalism” is the title of the 4th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) that will take place from November 26th to 28th, 2009 at…

The 3rd European conference on African studies included a number of panels and papers on the subject of cities and urban studies, some of which are freely available as full text (see list below - only full-text papers on topics related to urban…

Abstract from the publisher : Increasingly, mega cities located in Asia, Africa, and Latin America have become the focus of policy makers and scholarly research. These regions are the locations of the bulk of the world’s largest cities; now…

Organisers' description : Workshop organized by the Irmgard Coninx Foundation and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (Osnabrück University) held at the Social Science Research Center Berlin on 25-27 October…
Abstract from the publisher : Habitat International is dedicated to the study of urban and rural human settlements: their planning, design, production and management. Its main focus is on urbanisation in its broadest sense in the developing world.…
Extract from the introduction by Chris Johnson : Beijing was the first city of modernity to reach one million - the benchmark to be a member of Metropolis. For the past millenium Chinese cities have ranked in the world's top three. The importance…
Extract from the introduction by Chris Johnson : The bustle and chaos associated with Indian cities encompasses only 27% of the country's population. The other 73% of India's population still live in rural areas and villages spread across the…
Abstract from the publisher : At a time of increasing globalisation processes, the search for competitiveness in urban regions has become a major political target for both local and central governments. The importance of the cities and their…
Extract from the Introduction by Steef Buijs : A handful of megacity regions in the advanced and advancing economies, as clusters of large and overlapping daily urban systems are the prime powerhouses and central nodes of the world network economy.…
Abstract from the publisher : This twice-yearly journal focuses on urban and environmental issues and their interconnections, with a particular emphasis on Africa, Asia and Latin America (where most of world's urban population now lives). Each…
Contents: Jin-Hyun Kim - Reflections on modern cities Saskia Sassen - Cities in the global economy Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello, Peter Nijkamp - The co-evolutionary city Sam Ock Park - Industrial restructuring for the sustainable city in the era…

This site hosts a large (currently over 150 papers) cache of working papers produced by the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University College London (UCL). CASA is an initiative within University College London to develop emerging…

Abstract from the publisher : In June 2003, PUM presided over a symposium that evaluated migration and urbanization in developing African countries in light of comparative evidence from Asia and Latin America. Organizing the conference also…

Abstract from the publisher: Some of the most intractable and enduring challenges of development are concerned with reducing insecurity. Early and very current development debates have been concerned with issues of food security. Ensuring…

Part of the Urban Age six-year conference series, this conference takes as its theme 'Johannesburg : Challenges of inclusion?'. As well as a wealth of related data and analysis, mp3 and video recordings of the entire conference are available on the…

Abstract from the distributor (see conference website for full details): Urban environments worldwide are in the midst of multiple shifts, driven by interconnected flows in capital, people, and resources at local, regional and global scales. It…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Loin de considérer les cultures locales comme une forme de repli ou de résistance au changement, cet ouvrage questionne les liens de proximité, les singularités locales et…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Une recherche participative pour le développement durable de l'agriculture urbaine a été conduite de 2001 à 2004 à Dakar, Niamey, Cotonou, Nouakchott, Ouagadougou, Abidjan…
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