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This symposium considered the similarities and differences in the histories of urban modernization in cities during the late 19th through the early 21st century—with a look at global cities now under construction or in the planning stages. The…
Abstract from the publisher: By combining provocative prose with photo-essay, Time and the Suburbs explores the disappearance of cities in North America under the weight of suburban, exurban, and other forms of development that are changing the way…

To analyze the response of cities to urban policies or transportation shocks, describing a succession of stationary states is not enough, and urban dynamics should be taken into account. To do so, the urban economics model NEDUM is proposed. This…

Abstract from the distributor : Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach and based on extensive field work experience, the book project Tied Up in Tehran addresses one of the key paradoxes of contemporary Iran: women’s fragmented experiences…

Par la capacité de mise en réseau des lieux et des hommes, les technologies d'information et de communication (TIC) constituent des outils indispensables aux stratégies de développement territorial.Une approche technique et historique des…

This work is an investigation into Shanghai’s role in the twenty-first century as it attempts to rejoin the global city network. It also examines the effects this move is having on the city, its people, and its public spaces. Shanghai’s intention to…

Gay neighborhoods, like the legendary Castro District in San Francisco and New York’s Greenwich Village, have long provided sexual minorities with safe havens in an often unsafe world. But as our society increasingly accepts gays and lesbians into…
Le numéro 372 de Mai-Juin 2010 de la revue Urbanisme consacre un dossier au thème "Théories - Pratiques". Extrait de l'éditorial du dossier, par Thierry Paquot : Depuis l’apparition du mot, dans diverses…

Comment mettre au point une connaissance scientifique des manières dont les êtres humains ha- bitent ? Cette question est plus difficile à traiter qu'elle n'en a l'air du premier coup d'oeil. Car, si nous disposons de multiples réponses - modèle…

Nous prenons la condition humaine, en tant que trilogie espèce / individu / être social, comme articulation de nos recherches. Sélectionner dans une thématique, les composants basiques ainsi que trouver la façon dont ils se lient entre eux et avec…

Terrier Christophe, Meron Monique, Faidutti Anne-Marie, Laget Michel. Thème 4. La mobilité des salariés de l'Etat. Discussion sur les communications de M. Méron, C. Agulhon et J. Pihan . In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1988-3. La population face à…

Cohen Jeanine, Terrier Christophe. Thème 2. Migrations et périurbanisation. Discussion autour de l'exposé de C. Terrier sur les migrations pendulaires et la périurbanisation . In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1988-3. La population face à l'emploi -…

Créée par un ancien journaliste du Baltimore Sun, David Simon, et un ancien policier, Ed Burns, et scénarisée par des grands noms du roman noir américain, la série américaine The Wire est devenue culte. S'appuyant sur des investigations de terrain de…

L’article offre une vue d’ensemble synthétique des effets principaux que la crise économique internationale a eus sur les immigrés en Italie. Après une brève explication des caractéristiques principales du contexte italien de l’immigration, les…
Abstract from the publisher : In this pioneering study of the water infrastructure of Renaissance Rome, urban historian Katherine Rinne offers a new understanding of how technological and scientific developments in aqueduct and fountain…

Organisers' description : This major conference on the theme of The Vital City was held under the auspices of the European Urban Research Association (EURA). EURA brings together an inter-disciplinary network of urban researchers from across Europe…

NB: To access the full text of these articles, free registration is required Abstract from the publisher: The Brown Journal of World Affairs is a nonprofit, semi-annual publication produced at Brown University. It responds to the need for a clear,…

Modern Kuwait's urban development as it emerged during the second half of the twentieth century has been the outcome of a sustained planning effort. The idea of adopting and implementing master plans prepared by planning specialists was introduced…
From the foreword by Charles Tilly : For a generation Sam Warner has written about American urban history by sketching the development of particular cities. A 1994 poll of urban history scholars identified him as the country's most influential…

Competitiveness of city regions has gained a more and more central position in regional development and regional planning within the last decades. A reason for this is that globalisation has caused pressure on industrial structures forcing firms to…
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