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Busan port was ranked third place of the world container ports in 2001. This port growth was implemented within a major urban settlement of over 4 million inhabitants. It could be explained by the insertion of the port city in the maritime networks…

During the 90's, Israel and the Palestinians were unable to reach a Peace agreement and this unsuccessful period led to the production of a new Israeli ethnoscape. With increased Israeli border closures (within the pre-1967 limits) to Palestinian…

As land take favours the development of new artificial areas in most cities, urban green spaces (UGSs) play a key role for the quality of life and the attractiveness of cities. This paper highlights the ins and outs of the decision making ‐ process…

The long sequence at Casablanca covers the last 5.5 Ma. The oldest lithic assemblages are found in Late Lower Pleistocene deposits, circa 1 Ma, in unit L of Thomas Quarry 1, and consist of Acheulian artefacts made from quartzite and flint. The first…

Recent work in the Casablanca area considerably modified earlier interpretations of its prolific Palaeolithic record. New results reported in this paper stress the absence of traces of a very early human occupation. The main part of the rich…

We consider commuting in a congested urban area. While an efficient time-varying toll may eliminate queuing, a toll may not be politically feasible. We study the benefit of a substitute: a parking fee at the workplace. An optimal time-varying parking…
Abstract from the publisher : The theme of this book is the interplay of geography, size, and industrial structure in determining the industrial vigor of cities. At any point in time, a city's economic prospects are determined by location,…

In the center of Mumbai, next to the city’s newest and most expensive commercial developments, lies one of Asia’s largest slums, where as many as one million squatters live in makeshift housing on one square mile of government land. This is the…

la population âgée du Royaume-Uni et sa distribution.

Sauf nouvelle baisse importante de la fécondité, le vieillissement démographique de la population britannique est presque achevé. Pendant une vingtaine d'années, il y a eu peu de changement dans…

Le développement de la population hongroise et son habitat en Slovaquie

Depuis que les Hongrois de Slovaquie sont devenus une minorité en 1918-1920, leur nombre, leur répartition et la taille de la région qu'ils habitent ont beaucoup changé. Les…

Le développement de la migration de retraite en Grande-Bretagne.

La migration à l'âge de la retraite est une expression des occasions qu'une société offre à ses retraités et aux aspirations de confort de vie de la population plus âgée. Cet article…

Devon has a high proportion of the national total of private residential homes for the elderly in England. This paper traces their growth and their spatial distribution, based on a detailed survey of about one in four homes in the county. The nature…

The theme of this article is the green dimension of urban and architecture design in Yazd as an oasis in the middle of deserts in the centre of Iran where people were able to adapt to very hard climate condition through millenniums. Studying the…

The deployment of urban logistics solutions is one of the main pending questions in the field of urban goods transport research and practice. Indeed, although several solutions and projects have been tested in the last years, only few of them reach…

In a process of territorial restructuring, there are potential disputes, which often reveal both local and national geopolitical challenges and issues. Two related questions concerning provincial and municipal demarcation are frequently at stake,…

This paper combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide supplemental information and results that clarify the reasons that individuals devote ample time to travel.Through a quantitative analysis of travel-time budgets (TTB) in seven…

This paper deals with the cultural policy and strategy of Rotterdam, in particular with regard to its designation as 'European City of Culture' for the year 2001. Having been a port and manufacturing city for many years, with a large proportion of…
Extract from the Editorial, 'The creative power of cities', by Francesco Bandarin: It is expected that by the middle of the present century, 70 percent of the world's population will be urban. Beyond the demographic growth in sheer numbers, cities…

We develop a new methodology to estimate the elasticity of urban costs with respect to city population using French land price data. Our preferred estimate, which handles a number of estimation concerns, stands at 0.041. Our approach also yields a…
Abstract from the publisher : An acclaimed sociologist illuminates the public life of an American city, offering a major reinterpretation of the racial dynamics in America. Following his award-winning work on inner-city violence, Code of the…
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