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This issue of Articulo – Journal of Urban Research explores the tension born of the interplay between two “medial images”. On the one hand, suburbia conceived of as a relegation zone, a removal from city sometimes tantamount to a removal from life.…

Le numéro 5 de la revue Articulo est disponible en ligne sur Parce qu’il repose fréquemment sur un projet d’accession à la propriété, le choix du périurbain a longtemps…

Improvements in individual mobility conditions for drivers in the Paris conurbation (higher speed and lower cost of individual mobility) have contributed to the reduction of urban areas density and have led to dominant use of the car and a dramatic…

Abstract from the distributor :

Kevin Rozario uses the two most devastating urban catastrophes in American history, the Chicago fire of 1871 and the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, to explore how extraordinary recovery from sudden ruination can…

This dissertation investigates the history and political economy of two Chinese cities, Shanghai and Hong Kong, in the context of debates about globalization and ‘global cities.’ My inquiry focuses on the interwoven relationships between…

Depuis quelques décennies, la ville est devenu le cadre de manifestations animatoires, festives ou spectaculaires dans une démarche volontaire des acteurs publics et privés. Hors des lieux traditionnels consacrés, des manifestations de tous…

Cet article s’interroge sur le phénomène des communautés fermées et protégées dans le quartier de Bielany (Varsovie) à partir de la chute du régime socialiste en 1989 en Pologne. Le nombre de communautés fermées s’accroît aussi bien dans les nouveaux…

Specificity of unemployment in old industrial areas (the case of the Ruhr). Structural or structured unemployment?
The dispute about the nature of existing unemployment, that is keynesian or classic one, lets the debate open to understand how…

Il presente contributo mira a definire i limiti entro cui è possibile applicare i metodi di analisi configurazionale come tecniche di previsione del traffico pedonale in area urbana. Inoltre, l’analisi applicata a due casi urbani conduce ad alcune…

L'articolo analizza la dimensione spaziale del fenomeno migratorio nelle città italiane. Esso concentra l'attenzione sulle molteplici forme di insediamento dei migranti all'interno degli spazi urbani, con riferimento, in particolare, al caso di…

Lors de l’hiver 2006, l’association Les Enfants de Don Quichotte installe un campement de tentes sur les berges du canal Saint-Martin, à Paris. Il s’agit alors de susciter le débat public au sujet de la situation des SDF, question qui semble confinée…

This study identifies the effect of that spatial variation in certain socio-demographic variables has on the distribution of Madrid Metropolitan area. This area is presently undergoing an economic restructuring process which, due to their different…

Widespread public support exists for the provision of natural amenities, such as lakes, rivers or wetlands, and for efforts to preserve these from agricultural pollution. Agri-environmental policies contribute to these efforts by encouraging farmers…

Postulates of W. Christallers central-place theory are discussed with an introduction of a new sixth postulats. Under consideration are specific cases of settlement systems which can not be described by the apparatus of the classical central-place…

Production of urban space is assumed to be a rent seeking activity, carried out by many developers who are constantly trying to get the best possible assessment of market and spatial features in order to better produce profit. Developers act locally,…
Abstract from the publisher : This book explores and critiques the process of spatial regulation in post-war New York, focusing on the period after the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, examining the ideological underpinnings and practical applications…
Abstract from the publisher : Urban planning is a complex field of knowledge and practice. Through the decades, theoretical debate has formed an eclectic set of possible perspectives, without finding, in our opinion, a coherent paradigmatic…
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