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Different forms of spatial knowledge (expert, tacit, sector and community knowledge) are a strategic resource in urban development. Research methods concerning participatory data collection and analysis that elicit and integrate the various forms of…

Conditioned by the largely rejecting and discriminatory socio-political climates in the United States and the transplanted Chinese cultural traditions, the Chinese in metropolitan Chicago before WW II displayed striking occupation concentration and…

Business environment in which a port carries out its operation is increasingly reflected by intra- and inter-port competition on regional and global scales, resulting in port concentration and deconcentration. While a number of recent studies…

In this paper the problem of a city with access to two firms or facilities (shopping malls, airports, commercial districts) selling a differentiated product (shopping, flights) and/or offering a differentiated workplace is studied. Transport…

Our study, which is based on a qualitative survey, attempts to understand everyday sound perception in urban public spaces. Parameters influencing sound perception are investigated. The elaboration of a complex methodological protocal allows us to…

This document presents an attempt to build a theoretical framework for the spatial analysis of social facts, derived from Tobler's first law of geography (‘Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant…
Abstract from the publisher : Spaces for Consumption offers an in-depth and sophisticated analysis of the processes that underpin the commodification of the city and explains the physical manifestation of consumerism as a way of life. Engaging…
Abstract from the publisher : Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies addresses some of the most pressing and perturbing social, cultural, economic and environmental questions of our times, focusing on spaces and…
Contents : Newman, Lenore, Dale, Ann and Ling, Chris, Meeting on the Edge: Urban Spaces and the Diffusion of the Novel Dvorak, Anna, The Effects of American Tourism and Foreign Investment in Panama Jackson, Jonathan, The Global Gentrification of…

The concentration of humans – in some cases judged as too high, in others not high enough – and the problems connected to this, have resulted in discussions on density. Prior to the 20th century, density in European cities was merely an outcome of…

An attempt is made to identify the dynamics of urban systems during the historical process of their evolution. An illustration is made with the case of European cities between 1200 and 1990, using harmonised historical data bases. Simple maps show…

The dissertation analyzes recent urban transformations through the lens of space wars. The main focus is on investment flows in the commercial property market, changes in urban governance and changes in social geography, and how these three aspects…
Abstract from the publisher: In 1971, a group of young people broke into a closed down military area in Copenhagen. It was located not more than a mile from the Royal Danish Palace and the Danish parliament. Soon, the media published images and…

By exploring the usage of Ibirapuera and Carmo parks, the two largest and most attended municipal public parks in S?Paulo, this thesis aims to discuss the role public parks play within socio-spatial constitution of urban public life. Furthermore, our…
Abstract from the publisher : Space and Culture brings together dynamic, critical interdisciplinary research at the interface of cultural geography, sociology, cultural studies, architectural theory, ethnography, communications, urban studies,…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Créé en 1932, le groupe Clovis Hugues est l'un des premiers groupe HBM - Habitation à bon marché - de Marseille, devenu aujourd’hui logement HLM. Quatre…

Ce mémoire d'HDR dresse le constat de la force des logiques de spécialisation des espaces activées par et dans les politiques urbaines relevant du cadre de vie et de la qualité urbaine d'une part, objective leurs effets socio-spatiaux d'autre part,…
Reportage sur le démarrage des fouilles, avec Marc Bouiron, archéologue de la Ville de Nice et Muriel Vecchione, archéologue de l'Inrap. À l'occasion du chantier du tramway, un pan de l'histoire de Nice est mis à…
Présentation par l'éditeur : Aujourd'hui, alors que plus de la moitié de la population mondiale vit dans des villes ou des lieux fortement urbanisés et que tous les "urbains" sont loin d'avoir accès aux…
Un café géographique organisé à Tours le 17 novembre 2009.

L’espace public tend à être de plus en plus contrôlé, normalisé et perd de ce fait ses vertus originelles. Ce n’est plus un espace de vie mais de transit, de passage d’une sphère privée à…
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