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This chapter will attempt to observe the constraints and cleavages faced by cities' organizations, through the place and role that a single city has made for itself in their midst. Lyon, France's “second city”, offers both archival, direct…

The following report provides an overview of the evolution of urban climatology over the past 50 years or so, based on original research for the ESRC ‘Climate Science and Urban Design' project at the University of Manchester. We list the main…

Cet article examine l’accès à la propriété, la suburbanisation et la reségrégation des immigrants portugais dans les aires métropolitaines de Toronto et Montréal (villes de banlieue Mississauga et Laval). Les Portugais ont un groupe solidement…

Iraq has a stock of buildings, particularly dwellings, many of which are neither physically fit nor capable of meeting the economic and social needs of today. Many people, particularly in the cities, live in overcrowded and insanitary conditions.…

Currently change in cities is accelerating intricately and diversely because of technological advances, information floods, increased openness, and the rising standard of living. While city development depended on the activation of urban marketing, a…

A confecção : nicho étnico ou nicho econômico para a imigração latino-americana em São Paulo?

L'espace considéré comme historiquement produit par l'homme dans le fait d'organiser tant politique qu'économiquement sa société; c'est l'afirmation qui distingue les oeuvres de Henri Lefebvre. Il s'occupe d'un essai concret de retourner à dialetique…

Urban observatories represent today a global phenomenon. In the last decades, public actors, universities and civil society actors have established hundreds of urban observatories all around the world. Some of these observatories actively contribute…

Violence and criminality are wide themes and, according to the approach used, can be explained in different ways. In this work the subject of criminal violence was prioritized, with attention to the mapping of information. Our intention in this…

Durant les cinq à dix dernières années, les offres et les ventes du marché immobilier résidentiel ont connu une croissance exceptionnelle et, par voie de conséquence, commencé à modifier le paysage des métropoles brésiliennes. Cette croissance a été…

The introduction to this thesis sets forward its aims which are to account for the present morphological features of Tehran and Isfahan and to examine in detail the characteristic features of Persian towns. It goes on to examine the sources for such…

Le texte présente des indicateurs afin d' évaluer l'homogénéité des tissus urbains. Il présente notamment la structure des SIG qui permettent de les calculer.
Présentation par l'éditeur : Formé à l'École nationale des Arts Décoratifs de Nice, Marcel Bovis se convertit à la photographie pendant son service militaire ; il en fait son métier à…

Mais ou menos dez anos depois dos primeiros estudos publicados sobre a população boliviana em São Paulo, realizados pelo antropólogo Sidney da Silva , multiplicam-se, nos anos 2000, os trabalhos acadêmicos sobre esta população que, ao mesmo tempo,…

Mais ou menos dez anos depois dos primeiros estudos publicados sobre a população boliviana em São Paulo, multiplicam-se os trabalhos acadêmicos sobre esta população que, ao mesmo tempo, foi se tornando um tema de interesse para os jornalistas de…
Abstract from the publisher : An in-depth look at the urban history of British Bombay It was the era of the Raj, and yet A Joint Enterprise reveals the unexpected role of native communities in the transformation of the urban fabric of British…

L'analyse a pour objectif de différencier le sens véhiculé par ville globale de celui de ville mondiale. Elle propose de prendre distance avec les termes anglo-américains "global city" et "world city" souvent utilisés comme synonymes afin d'y inclure…
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