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Socio-physical aspects of urban neighborhoods in Iranian cities : With special reference to the city of Mashad

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Socio-physical aspects of urban neighborhoods in Iranian cities : With special reference to the city of Mashad


neighbourhood, community, residential area, urban society, urban form, social cohesion, social interaction


From the third decade of the 20 century onward, Iranian cities have experienced a rapid transformation resulting from swift social, economic and political changes. These changes, stemming from many global factors such as industrial revolution, led to a new lifestyle in Iranian society and also in the cities and their residential areas. A lack of proper urban policy and management, as well as inadequate attention to the real societal and cultural needs of Iranian inhabitants has resulted in the emergence of many problems in Iranian cities and their residential neighborhoods.

This thesis with an inquiry into the socio-physical aspects of the residential areas in contemporary Iran with a particular reference to the City of Mashad tries to understand the physical aspects of residential areas, activities of residents in outdoor neighborhood spaces, and also the effect of these physical characteristics on the social behavior, activities, and sense of community of the inhabitants.

A multi-method approach (both quantitative and qualitative methods) is adopted to examine the objectives of this research. Also, in order to understand the influence of the physical characteristics of residential neighborhoods on social attributes of their inhabitants, a quasi-experimental method is employed. In this research, seven neighborhoods were selected as study areas and seven hundred households were interviewed using a multi-optional questionnaire. Additionally, observation by note and photo-taking was employed for data gathering during the field work. While quantitative data has been analyzed by statistical methods and by SPSS software, qualitative data has been analyzed using data reduction, and data display.

The findings indicate that a lack of affordances and proper spaces in the most common urban pattern of all of the three income groups of these residential areas have led to reducing the creation and promotion of some or all of the examined social attributes like social connections, positive interactions, fulfillment of social needs, and sense of community. Also, the results demonstrate that the spatial and physical characteristics of the common urban pattern of current residential areas in Mashad are not able to form or integrate the social behavior of their residents. This inability is demonstrated through some different competitive and conflicting behavior in middle and low incomes neighborhoods and through accommodative behavior in high income neighborhoods.


Ivani, Hadi


TU Berlin - Technische Universität Berlin




Herrle, Peter. Adviser




