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Urban branding strategies and the emerging Arab cityscape : The image of the Gulf city

Dublin Core


Urban branding strategies and the emerging Arab cityscape : The image of the Gulf city


city branding, urban branding, urban landscape, urban planning, urban development, identity, image, Arab city


Since 1970, oil has given the Arab Gulf cities the opportunity to break regional and international records in urban development and economic growth, experiencing dramatic changes in the political, economic and socio-cultural domains, and especially in architecture and urbanism. The development of oil urbanization was shaped by the different practices of “Urban Branding” and city marketing processes. More important, "Urban branding" presents the duality of the emerging cityscape, in which the “perceived images” of the city as a tangible experience of the “urban landscape” interacts with the “brand image” of the city created by the media generated image or “urban Mediascape”, establishing new approaches and directions for research and interpretation.

The research is concerned with three main enquiries: 1.To what extent can the creation of a successful image make changes in the urban landscape? 2.What are the opportunities offered by urban branding to guide or to control the appearance of the conventional typical elements of the city image over the special identity of the cities? 3.How have cities succeeded (or not) in their urban branding processes and why?
The research aims at examining whether a balance between the presentation of the identity of places and the urban development of the Gulf cities can be achieved. Also, it aims to establish a planning framework that incorporates the practice of urban branding in the design and planning of cities.

The research is based on a “thematic” approach combining empirical descriptive approach and comparative analysis method in analyzing and assessing selected examples and the interpretation of case studies.

The research focuses on the investigation of selected case studies for Arab Gulf cities – Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Doha, Qatar; Kuwait City, Kuwait; and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - that may have succeeded (or not) in creating an image of the emerging city that has become nationally or internationally recognized. The analysis is based on selected themes, in which the most related illustrative analysis techniques are extensively used.

Following the investigation of the case studies, a comparative analysis for the case studies systematically scrutinizes and evaluates the elements that characterized the process by which imaging processes, both visual and brand images, affecting the Gulf city form. The objective is to identify the common elements between the presented case studies in order to synthesis the major characteristics of the phenomenon of the Gulf city imaging. The findings of the comparative analysis highlight the relationships between branding and city form, including the impact of branding on the development of the city image.

The suggested conceptual approach is based on incorporating the practice of urban branding in the design and development processes of the Gulf cities. The approach is based on the argument that city images are deemed to be those elements used to represent a city as a whole and its associated meanings. Hence, the suggested approach is conceived in terms of a triad, consisting of three major components: the city identity, the visual image, and the branding image. Each of these components encompasses other smaller components integral to the building of the approach itself. Consequently, the three components address ways in which city image(s) can be integrated and how the desired integration would meet the capacity of planning the city image.

There are different urban branding strategies that could be developed based on diverse city development objectives and visions, such as large scale urban projects, signed architecture, events, media, etc. The study focuses on strategies that tend to combine tangible aspects of the Gulf cities – their built environment, urban culture, heritage, infrastructure, etc. – and a number of intangible aspects – their slogan, their identity, etc. The study focuses on thee main areas: branding location strategies including natural settings, flagship projects, and landmark buildings, branding through city life, festivals and special events and branding through Mediascape, (advertising, publications, slogans, logos, etc.).

The guidelines and recommendations are arranged according to their context, current issues, planning objectives and suggested specific exemplary actions. Suggested planning guidelines deal with the following areas of action: skyline, public space, architecture, heritage, public art, and recommendations for the media generated images: festivals and events, logos, slogans and cities’ websites. Illustrative examples from both international and regional successful experience are used in a joint concern of city planning and city branding.


Helmy, Mona


Universität Stuttgart




Pesch, Franz. Adviser




