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From a puritan city to a cosmopolitan city: Cleveland Protestants in the changing social order, 1898-1940

Dublin Core


From a puritan city to a cosmopolitan city: Cleveland Protestants in the changing social order, 1898-1940


puritan city, cosmopolitan city, Cleveland Protestants, social order, 1898-1940


This study examines Cleveland Protestants and the changing social order from 1898 to 1940. It argues the establishment of the Federated Churches of Cleveland was one of several Protestants' responses to the expanding pluralistic societal order. Its establishment was not the institutionalization of the Social Gospel movement but was a part of the general reorganization of social, benevolent, economic, religious, and political institutions into efficient and orderly units. This study examines the Protestants' response to the expanding pluralism by examining organizations and argues its organizations reflected Protestants' concerns and interests. Urbanization, industrialization and immigration challenged Protestants. They responded by using three types of organizations: 'denominational', 'voluntary society', 'church federations'. This study examined revivals and the Chamber of Commerce's contributions to the establishment of the Federated Churches. Revivals created the sense of urgency. The Chamber of Commerce provided the organizational model. This study has an Introduction and five chapters. Chapter One describes Cleveland Nineteenth Century religious and benevolent orders. Chapter Tw o describes Cleveland Protestants' failure in moral reform efforts, which contributed to the Protestants urging for a different method in urban, i.e., a federation of efforts. Chapter Three describes Cleveland Protestants' work with the Eastern and Southern European immigrants, which included helping to establish social settlement houses, establishing institutional churches, and making the extension society into a coordinating agency. Chapter Four describes four local conditions that led to the founding of the Federated Churches of Cleveland, which were: parallel federation efforts, revivals, search for better methods, and need for coordination in church extension. Chapter Five describes the Federated Churches of Cleveland's activities from 1911 to 1940, which included the reorganization of 1930s, women and African-Americans' participation in the Federated Churches of Cleveland.


Lee, Darry Kyong Ho


Case Western Reserve University




Hammack, David. Advisor




