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City & community


, politique urbaine, logement social, crise du logement, interaction sociale


From the editorial by Hilary Silver :
As the first section journal of the ASA, City & Community intends to serve the broad community of urban sociologists. The mission of the journal has been updated in a manner that builds upon its already established record of excellence and extends it into new areas. City & Community aims to advance urban sociological theory, promote the highest quality empirical research on communities and urban social life, and encourage sociological perspectives on urban policy. It welcomes contributions that employ quantitative and qualitative methods as well as comparative and historical approaches. The journal encourages manuscripts exploring the interface of global and local issues, locally embedded social interaction and community life, urban culture and the meaning of place, and sociological approaches to urban political economy. The journal also seeks articles on urban spatial arrangements, social impacts of local natural and built environments, urban and rural inequalities, virtual communities, and other topics germane to urban life and communities that will advance general sociological theory.

In light of the increasing disciplinary attention devoted to “public sociology,” City & Community aims to develop sociological perspectives on public affairs and government programs with implications for urban social life. To signal this, the first issue of Volume 9 contains a Symposium on President Barack Obama’s urban policy as well as three articles on public housing.
Contents :
Hilary Silver - Editorial
Hilary Silver - Obama's urban policy : A symposium
Michael B. Katz - Narratives of failure? Historical interpretations of Federal urban policy Bruce Katz - Obama's metro presidency Margery Austin Turner - New life for US housing and urban policy William Julius Wilson - The Obama Administration's proposals to address concentrated urban poverty Gregory D. Squires, Derek S. Hyra - Foreclosures - Yesterday, today and tomorrow Elvin Wyly, James DeFilippis - Mapping public housing : The case of New York City Susan Clampet-Lundquist - "Everyone had your back": Social ties, perceived safety, and public housing relocation Erin M. Graves - The structuring of urban life in a mixed-income housing "community" Book reviews  


Multiple authors




March 2010



