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Urban studies : The changing configuration of the world city network

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Urban studies : The changing configuration of the world city network


, réseaux, croissance urbaine, mondialisation, géographie urbaine, échange, mutation urbaine, Derudder Ben, Timberlake Michael, Witlox Frank


Abstract from the publisher :
Urban Studies was first published in 1964 to provide an international forum of social and economic contributions to the fields of urban and regional planning. Since then, the Journal has expanded to encompass the increasing range of disciplines and approaches that have been brought to bear on urban and regional problems.

Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Contents :
Ben Derudder, Michael Timberlake, and Frank Witlox - Introduction: Mapping Changes in Urban Systems
Mario Polèse and Jonathan Denis-Jacob - Changes at the Top: A Cross-country Examination over the 20th Century of the Rise (and Fall) in Rank of the Top Cities in National Urban Hierarchies
Ben Derudder, Peter Taylor, Pengfei Ni, Anneleen De Vos, Michael Hoyler, Heidi Hanssens, David Bassens, Jin Huang, Frank Witlox, Wei Shen, and Xiaolan Yang - Pathways of Change: Shifting Connectivities in the World City Network, 2000—08
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen, Annette Winkel Schwarz, and Søren Find - World Cities of Scientific Knowledge: Systems, Networks and Potential Dynamics. An Analysis Based on Bibliometric Indicators
Arthur S. Alderson, Jason Beckfield, and Jessica Sprague-Jones - Intercity Relations and Globalisation: The Evolution of the Global Urban Hierarchy, 1981—2007
Matthew C. Mahutga, Xiulian Ma, David A. Smith, and Michael Timberlake - Economic Globalisation and the Structure of the World City System: The Case of Airline Passenger Data
Renato A. Orozco Pereira and Ben Derudder - Determinants of Dynamics in the World City Network, 2000-2004
Sandra Vinciguerra, Koen Frenken, and Marco Valente - The Geography of Internet Infrastructure: An Evolutionary Simulation Approach Based on Preferential Attachment
Gordon Pirie - Trajectories of North—South City Inter-relations: Johannesburg and Cape Town, 1994—2007
Juan A. Córdoba Ordóñez and Cándida Gago García - Latin American Cities and Globalisation: Change and Permanency in the Context of Development Expectations
  Ben Derudder is Lecturer in Human Geography at the Department of Geography, the University of Ghent, and Associate Director of the Globalization and World Cities research group and network (GaWC).   Michael Timberlake is a Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Utah.   Frank Witlox is Professor of economic geography at the Geography Department of Ghent University and Associate Director of the Globalization and World Cities group and network (GaWC).  






August 2010


1835 - 2021

