Shanghai : Its urbanization and culture
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Shanghai : Its urbanization and culture
, philosophie, culture urbaine, urbanisation, développement urbain, community, communauté, politique culturelle, Shanghai, Xuanmeng Yu, Xirong He
Extract from the introduction by George F. McLean and Robert Magliola :
Ten years ago an international seminar of The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy took up this question of "urbanization and values". The study printed under the same title was divided into three parts : I. The history and theory of the development of cities; II. The impact of cities upon values; and III. Humanization : the impact of values upon the urban environment.
The present study of urbanization has been carried out most recently by a team of The Institute of Philosophy of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. It continues the investigation of these issues, yet is distinct in a number of significant ways... It focuses on the specific case of Shanghai which as the major Chinese commercial city has long had a uniquely urban and cosmopolitan physical and cultural character.