Dublin Core
Squatting in Europe : Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles
squat, Europe, résistances urbaines, activisme, marginalité
Table des matières :
Margit Mayer, Introduction
Miguel Martínez, Gianni Piazza and Hans Pruijt, Squatting in Europe
Hans Pruijt, Resisting and Challenging Neoliberalism:
Pierpaolo Mudu, How do activists make decisions within Social Centres?
Gianni Piazza, The Squatters’ Movement in Spain
Miguel A. Martínez López, Urban squatting, rural squatting and the ecological-economic perspective
Claudio Cattaneo, Squatting And Urban Renewal
Andrej Holm and Armin Kuhn, Have squat, will travel
Lynn Owens, Configurations of squats in Paris and the Ile-de-France Region
Thomas Aguilera, What is a “good” squatter?
Florence Bouillon, Moving towards criminalisation and then what?
ETC Dee, Moving towards criminalisation and then what ?
About the Authors
About the Squatting Europe Kollective