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Le vieillissement démographique des quartiers des grandes villes françaises
concentration of elderly people. ; France ; urban aging
France ; concentration de personnes âgées. ; vieillissement urbain
The demographic ageing from French cities' districts.
In twenty years (1962-1982), the population of 12 regional metropolises has undergone a considerable ageing. The analysis of the evolution, from the starting degree of ageing, shows that the situation in 1982 is similar of that of 1962. The initially older districts are still so twenty years later. A district which is already old cannot renovate his population and finally, becomes depopulated. The spatial age localization is not an accident. The analysis of three towns (Amiens, Nancy, Nice), with contrasted demographic characteristics, allows us to establish that if places exist everywhere where the elderly are concentrated, they are first of all a characteristic of historical centers, with saturated space and old decay housing.
In twenty years (1962-1982), the population of 12 regional metropolises has undergone a considerable ageing. The analysis of the evolution, from the starting degree of ageing, shows that the situation in 1982 is similar of that of 1962. The initially older districts are still so twenty years later. A district which is already old cannot renovate his population and finally, becomes depopulated. The spatial age localization is not an accident. The analysis of three towns (Amiens, Nancy, Nice), with contrasted demographic characteristics, allows us to establish that if places exist everywhere where the elderly are concentrated, they are first of all a characteristic of historical centers, with saturated space and old decay housing.
En 20 ans (1962-1982), la population étudiée (12 métropoles régionales découpées en 430 quartiers) a subi un vieillissement considérable. L'analyse de l'évolution des quartiers, à partir de leur degré de vieillissement initial, conduit à constater la reproduction en 1982 de la hiérarchie des situations observées en 1962 : les quartiers les plus vieillis initialement le sont toujours 20 ans après. Un quartier à la structure par âge déjà vieillie n'arrive pas à renouveler sa population et finit par se dépeupler. La localisation des âges dans l'espace n'est pas le fruit du hasard. L'analyse de trois exemples de villes (Amiens, Nancy, Nice), aux caractéristiques démographiques contrastées, conduit à constater que si des poches de concentration de personnes âgées existent partout, elles sont avant tout le propre des centres historiques, à l'espace saturé et au parc de logements vieillis et vétustés.
Gaymu Joëlle. Le vieillissement démographique des quartiers des grandes villes françaises. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1987-1. Personnes âgées et vieillissement - Elderly people and ageing - Londres, juillet 1986. pp. 125-135.
Joëlle Gaymu