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The shape of the new American city conference

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The shape of the new American city conference


tats-Unis, United States, économie, démographie, environnement urbain, infrastructure, croissance urbaine, logement, politique urbaine, société urbaine, planification, mutation urbaine


Abstract from the distributor:
Cities are the engines of metropolitan growth in the U.S. economy today. But key economic, demographics and environmental challenges threaten this role. Home to enormous economic disparities, struggling schools, rapidly changing populations, and an infrastructure under increasing environmental pressure, our cities are also places of great social and economic opportunity, deep and diverse cultural resources, and impressive innovation. What are the issues facing cities, the effect of policy decisions in the past, and the potential for significant shift in metropolitan spatial structure in the next half century?
special volume of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science on how these forces are transforming the American city.
  Camille Cate Barnett - Welcome Kenneth T. Jackson - Federal policy and urban decline: How does the past influence the future?; Questions and Answers Andrew Haghwout - Cities and economic growth Ingrid Gould Ellen - Crime and U.S. cities: Recent patterns and implications Saskia Sassen - Re-assembling the urban economy: Today's challenges and potentials Douglas S. Massey - The changing bases of ecological segregation in the United States Dowell Myers - Urban demographics 1950 to 2050: Waves of change marking turning points for the American city Susan M. Wachter - Urban growth and housing affordability: The conflict Domenic Vitiello - Q & A on urban demographics John Landis - Metropolitan spatial development trends: A comprehensive view and prospect Eugénie L. Birch - The new downtown revisited Arthur C. Nelson - The new urbanity: Demographic and preference drivers that will reshape America's metropolitan areas to mid-century Georgette Phillips - Q&A on the metropolitan footprint Marilyn Taylor - Public investment in cities introduction Robert Cervero - Infrastructure and global competitiveness: Balancing services and place-making Rae Zimmerman - Making infrastructure competitive in a changing world through investment Steve Mullin - Public investment in cities discussion Marilyn Taylor - Q&A on public investment in American cities Howard Fineman, Chris Mathews, Eugenie Birch, Susan Wachter, David Lei, Ashwin Shandilya; moderated by Phyllis Kaniss - Public policy roundtable (video or audio formats available)  


24-25 October 2008
