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  • Collection: Autres serveurs

Cities with a high global significance in non-physical, functional knowledge economy networks have recently emerged on the Arabian Peninsula. The geo-strategic position of these cities in between rising economies in Asia and traditional centers of…

Les infrastructures de transport génèrent des gains d’accessibilité qui déterminent l’évolution de la forme urbaine. L’accroissement des vitesses de circulation et, par conséquent, la diminution des temps de déplacement contribuent, dans le contexte…

The thesis deals with the formation of the post-Second World War reconstruction and planning machinery in Great Britain on the one hand, and on the other, with the replanning efforts undertaken in London and especially the redevelopment programme…

Following two decades of war (1980-2002) that destroyed the Kabul City, it started to rebuild its transportation infrastructures from scratch. Though the upgrading of the city transportation system was on the focus of Governmental institutions (Kabul…

Début de l'introduction :

Avec la fin de l'apartheid les villes d'Afrique australe sont entrées dans une phase de recomposition marquée par la volonté des nouveaux pouvoirs de promouvoir un projet de société en rupture avec le passé. Le grand défi…

Public space is a component of our physical environment which has an important role in city life. This thesis is primarily about investigating public space and public realm in the historic city centre of Damascus in order to understand the potential…

Cities in the world are changing rapidly. In the Western societies, changes are driven by the transformation from Fordism to post-Fordism and postmodernism. In the East, changes are triggered by profound social and economic reforms. Changes in the…

More than 1.2 million students have left China to study abroad during the past three decades of economic reform in China. In 2007 alone, China sent around 144,000 students abroad, 167 times of the number of students in 1978. This large scale of…

Cette thèse se fonde sur l’analyse des choix organisationnels du secteur des déchets ménagers en Afrique subsaharienne, contraint par son contexte particulier, et considère les outils analytiques de la théorie néo-institutionnelle afin d’expliquer…

C’est principalement par le cinéma que nous connaissons et partageons le réel des villes, même celles dans lesquelles nous vivons. Par le cinéma, nous découvrons plus de villes que nous n’en visiterons jamais. Nous connaissons des villes que nous…

During the last decades, local governments have increasingly become recognised as actors in international development cooperation. It has been estimated that today 70% of the world’s cities are engaged in some form of international cooperation. Many…

Le concept de "démocratisation ancrée" qui est ici examiné comme enjeu d'une tension entre citoyenneté et identités en Afrique, pose d'emblée deux défis majeurs : un défi épistémique touchant au statut de la démocratie, entre idéologie et concept…

This research attempts to build a model to evaluate the economic development level of cities using a set of factors associated to the concepts of competitiveness and attractiveness. Traditionally competitiveness has only been related to rankings with…

Quito radically altered during the fin-de-siècle, growing from a small Andean hamlet into a burgeoning metropolis. This process increasingly took on a spatial dimension after 1908, when the completion of a railroad between the Ecuadorian capital and…

This PhD thesis deals with city marketing: cities making use of marketing ideas, concepts and tools. Marketing has proved its value in the business environment, but what about applying marketing in the context of cities? How can cities make effective…

This thesis examines the extent and the nature of city-to-city co-operation (CTCC) for sustainable development among UK local authorities. Policy-makers and analysts believe that various forms of local authority co-operation, here termed CTCC, will…

Large international events like the Olympic Games put cities on the world map. CityEvents, place selling in a Media Age addresses the question how cities have been raising their profile internationally by hosting large international events throughout…

El tema que aborda la tesis es la relación entre la entidad urbana y el hecho hidrográfico de un curso de agua como un río o la presencia de un mar; la manera en que son procesados en forma urbana los espacios de vinculación entre estos dos…

A thesis on the imagination of historical forms of modern governance in Spain in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Contents :
1. The city and the historical imagination
2. From the ancient to the modern city
3. The city and the state
4. The regulation of…

Durant les deux premières décennies de la période post-indépendance en CI, la politique urbaine et les pratiques d'aménagement sont marquées pat la gestion centralisée et le clientélisme patrimonial. Aussi, la présente recherche analyse-t-elle…
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