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  • Collection: Archives ouvertes des études urbaines

This paper has for subject the movie intituled Urban Taskscapes, looking at 5 metropolises. From this specific movie we are questioning the capacity of video to represent and share the ambiance. This movie shows some representations of 5…

The present paper aims to present a numerical method to assess consequences of the shrinking process on the perception of urban landscape in Detroit downtown.

This paper questions the potential criticism offered by the concept of ambiances. By defending three postures of research (to articulate the sensitive and politics, to defend an ethics of the commitment, to translate and share the common), it puts…

" حي شعبي " Hay chäby means, in the colloquial Egyptian, a popular district! In terms of ambience, popularity embodies certain ambient characteristics as it reflects the image of a poor district, densely populated, abundant with touches of misery and…

This paper seeks to recover the foundations in order to reflect the ties (today somehow distended) between sensations / perceptions and politics. It will be tried by renewing the long debate about common sense, as a principle of intersubjective…

Virtual reality has been proved to be a good tool to communicate visual urban ambiances thanks to immersion and interaction. Our work consists in extending this use for a multisensory delineation and assessment of cities. We focus on the…

This study focuses on understanding the emergence of a new kind of urban highly saturated polychromy. We expose an exploratory work at the scale of the French city of Nantes. Our purpose is the constitution of a visual tool able to generate…

The paper discusses the place-bound construction of individual and collective memories. The question is to what extent atmospheres assist in processes of remembering and/or are remembered themselves. The paper discusses the advantages and challenges…

The São Paulo State Department of Social Housing (SEHAB) decided to develop a new experience: to search in the residents' speech a precondition to think the urban projects for the area of Cabuçu de Cima (Jaçanã/Tremembé, North Zone) of São Paulo…

The body experiences the city through an interactive process and its synthesis can be called an urban bodygraphy: a kind of body mapping, where the mapped object cannot be distinguished from its representation, given the continuous and reciprocal…

Interactions among social, faunistic, and floristic groups define new ecologies and cultural dynamics in nightscapes. Our inquiry is concerned with the interdependence between biophysical and semantic processes informed by the artificial lighting of…

This work is part of a doctoral research in development, whose central theme is black populations and black urban areas in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The great diversity of forms of urban occupations in terms of social, economic, spatial, cultural, and…

En juillet 1953, la création de la brigade des agressions et violences (BAV) apparaît comme une victoire pour ceux qui, depuis la Libération, n'ont jamais admis la dissolution de la brigade nord-africaine (BNA) de la préfecture de police de Paris.…

Fifty years after the end of the Algerian War of Independence, it should not be forgotten that this conflict was also played out in mainland France. Here, Emmanuel Blanchard shows the extent to which the control of territories with a strong Algerian…

Le drame du métro Charonne, que l'on commémore aujourd'hui cinquante ans après, rappelle que la guerre d'Algérie s'est aussi déroulée en métropole. Emmanuel Blanchard montre ici combien le contrôle des territoires d'implantation algérienne fut ainsi…

Le 14 juillet 1953, la police ouvre le feu sur le cortège du Mouvement pour le triomphe des libertés démocratiques (MTLD) qui hésite à se disperser, place de la Nation, et dont quelques membres semblent vouloir apurer un contentieux violent qui couve…

Based on ethnographic observations and interviews in cafés in Copenhagen, and online descriptions in which users review their experience of cafés, this paper focuses on how materiality and sociality inter-relate to constitute a relaxed, pleasant…

Discourse analysis shows that transformation of the ambiance, considered dull and cold, of Montreal in the 1950s was meant by the actors of the public art world: artist, architect, sponsor and critic alike. Their writings reveal a shared agreement to…

In most urban settings, the multiplicity of human voices in a constant state of acoustic irradiation is overwhelming. They define territories, in conversation, in public transportation, in the, sometimes awkward, transitions between private and…

This paper presents a territorial and anthropological research that produced the film "Stagioni e salotti sul Lemene". The documentary is set in the Italian regions of Veneto and Friuli and it shows the inhabitants as actors and as productors of the…
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