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  • Collection: Archives ouvertes des études urbaines

L'essor continu du BtoC fait peser de sérieuses contraintes sur les livraisons urbaines, des livraisons majoritairement réalisées à domicile (LAD). Dans ce contexte, les solutions de livraison hors domicile (LHD) se présentent, de plus en plus, comme…

Le secteur de la messagerie et de l'express a connu d'importantes recompositions dans son maillon urbain depuis une dizaine d'années. Confronté à l'évolution des comportements d'achat des consommateurs et des entreprises, le secteur accouche d'un…

This chapter examines the relationship between freight and urban development in the case of the South Korean city of Incheon. Functionally linked to the capital Seoul as main gateway of the Gyeongin corridor, home to a major seaport (second after…

This paper is an empirical attempt to measure the relative concentration of port-city functions in the context of globalisation. It reviews a number of urban and port issues regarding their complementary and contradictory aspects about the evolution…

The inherent complexity of the port city has drawn attention from a vast number of scholars belonging to a variety of scientific fields. While a full and exhaustive review would reach beyond the scope of this chapter, it proposes evaluating the level…

On connaît rarement le poids de la ville littorale dans l'activité du port ; encore moins celui du port dans l'activité de la ville littorale, en termes de flux de marchandises. Le trafic portuaire, malgré de nombreuses imprécisions quant à sa valeur…

The port of Tangier is about to become one of the most dynamic ports across the Euro-Mediterranean area. The valuing of exceptional locational qualities as maritime crossroads between international shipping routes (Gibraltar Straits) occurs in a…

Seaports are key locations within value chains and production networks. Port policies of national and local governments seek higher rents through strategies of specialisation or diversification. Elaborating on longstanding research about urban and…

This paper is a short synthesis about the port city of Incheon from its early phases of development in the nineteenth century to nowadays role as transport hub and free economic zone.

This research focuses on the spatial logics of port-city relationships in Europe, to be compared to the Asian and, in particular, the Korean case. The main goal is to propose some reflections from which Korean players may put their strategies in…

This paper proposes a continental approach to the combination of transport functions within European port cities. It reviews a number of concepts and theories, regarding with transport chain integration and urban centrality in the case of ports.…

The integration of ports within logistics and supply chains has become a major issue for both public and private players worldwide. Notably, the role of intermediaries in establishing efficient integration within transport chains in which ports are…

La comparaison internationale des villes-ports se justifie par la similitude croissante des phénomènes spatiaux et économiques auxquelles celles-ci sont confrontées. Malgré la diversité des configurations et des mécanismes que connaissent les…

Cette recherche propose de mettre en valeur les mutations complexes que connaissent les villes portuaires ou « villes-ports » au niveau mondial. Dans un contexte de recomposition permanente du transport maritime conteneurisé et des dessertes…

This chapter aims at highlighting the relationships between air, maritime & logistic activities of port cities in Europe. Although recent studies have considered sea-air intermodality as a locational advantage for ports and coastal urban centres,…

In the 1990s in Europe, several initiatives from local governments have been launched under the general term of urban networking, promoting governance renewal and aiming at a better management of hierarchical forces stemming from globalization,…

This paper investigates the nature of port-city relationships in two major port regions of the world, Europe and Asia. Although this issue is well analyzed through either isolated case studies or general models, it proposes a complementary approach…

Les relations entre activités portuaires et développement régional tiennent une place importante dans le monde de la recherche et de la décision. Cependant, le concept de région portuaire est mal défini, et reste souvent confondu avec soit un groupe…

This paper analyses the interplay of transport and development in North Korea, one of the most state-controlled and underdeveloped countries of the world. While broader aspects have been well described by various studies, logistics have been given…

While the geographical and economic factors concerning the development of hub ports are widely described by a variety of scholars and professionals, there is no recognized methodology measuring the hub dependence of a given port, region, or country.…
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