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  • Collection: Archives ouvertes des études urbaines

This communication intends to enhance the contribution of a sensor fusion method to urban mapping using the simulated SPOT 5-6 data. A new scheme is proposed for cartography of urban areas which takes into account the multispectral and the…

This communication presents a method allowing the combination of high spatial and spectral resolution images to improve the mapping of urban area. It makes use of two mathematical tools, the wavelet transform and the multiresolution analysis which…

This study investigates the potentialities of ERS SAR imagery for the urban micro-climate and air quality, over the city of Nantes, France. The temporal variability of the SAR signal over the city has been assessed by analyzing five images in…

L'objectif de cette communication est de présenter une nouvelle méthode permettant la production d'images à haute résolution spatiale, réunissant les qualités de la haute résolution spatiale et de la haute résolution spectrale des satellites…

This paper presents a new strategy to extract, fully or semi-automatically, quadrangular urban network from high spatial resolution imagery. A quadrangular network is generally composed of different classes of streets in a hierarchical system. The…

This paper reflects the work achieved for demonstrating the potentialities of Earth Observation data for the knowledge of the atmospheric pollutants concentration fields over metropolitan areas. The interaction of several scales of pollutant…

Air quality is a major concern in many large cities of the world, where people and sources of pollution are concentrated in the same place. Most cities have acquired a surveillance network of air pollution. But the cost of these networks is high and…

La qualité de l'air dans les villes est devenue une préoccupation majeure en France, en Europe et dans le monde. Les villes concentrent la majorité des populations et des sources de pollution. Elles sont un objet d'étude privilégié pour l'évaluation…

Very high resolution images are particularly well adapted to damage assessment methodology in urban area because on one hand it allows an analysis focused on the buildings solely through an object-oriented analysis, and on the other hand it permits a…

Satellite images are more and more used to prevent natural disasters and mitigate their impact on populations. Their analysis is usually manually conducted by operators. Automatic processing of very high resolution (VHR) images is critical when the…

Major disasters across the world are more and more reported because their consequences in terms of human and economical losses are increasing. This increase is explained by the growing population and by its migration in areas that are prone to…

Maps of pollutants concentration are usually generated by means of interpolation and extrapolation methods. The quality of the results depends mainly of the number of permanent or temporary measuring stations. This paper deals with a method for the…

Remote sensing has proved its usefulness for the crisis mitigation through situation report and damage assessment. Visual analysis of satellite images is conducted by analysts, however automatic or decision aid method are desired. We propose a…

La recherche– que nous avons menée au sein du laboratoire CRESSON dans le cadre du programme de recherche « Habitat pluriel » – s'est attachée à étudier les usages des espaces extérieurs de l'habitat individuel dense. En prolongement du logement, de…

Des recompositions, actuelles et en gestation, sont mises en valeur par l'étude des transformations territoriales du tourisme de réunions et de congrès international. D'une part, l'évolution temporelle et spatiale de la distribution, par continent et…

O presente estudo demonstra que a especificidade da imigração italiana no Rio de Janeiro- Cidade-Estado, constitui-se, ainda, em um vazio historiográfico. Demonstra, ainda, que tal situação não corresponde à importância dos italianos no conjunto dos…

Rio de Janeiro va bientôt accueillir deux grands événements sportifs mondiaux, la Coupe du Monde de Football en 2014 et les Jeux Olympiques en 2016. Si l'ambition affichée est d'organiser la ville au profit du plus grand nombre, beaucoup d'éléments…

Le tourisme de réunions et de congrès international est une activité économique, scientifique et culturelle complexe. A partir d'une base de données sur 15 ans, cet article se propose, dans un premier temps, d'explorer le réseau des villes de congrès…

Le quartier Hamra et la rue Verdun, situés dans la partie occidentale de Beyrouth, constituent deux espaces marchands radicalement différents. Apparu à la fin des années 1940, Hamra est le produit de nouveaux réseaux socio-économiques (commerçants…

L'émigration internationale à Dakar : au coeur des nouveaux trafics mondiaux
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