Dublin Core
The Art of the City - L 'art de la ville
art, culture urbaine, représentations, paysage urbain
Présentation par l'éditeur du n° 25 de la revue Anglophonia :
This collection of papers was presented at the International Conference “The Art of the City” organized at the University of Toulouse-le Mirail (6-8 November 2008). The authors explore the treatment of the city in the arts (literature, architecture, painting, photography, cinema…). Without wishing to plot the constant movement of the city into predetermined patterns, they consider the renewal of art in contact with the elusive urban landscape – “circumambulate the city”, Melville said. Confronted with its own limitations, art reinvents language and form in order to evoke a space where brutal materiality meets dreamlike abstractions. It not only represents the city as a frame, a social or symbolic construct, or as a semiotic surface saturated with signs and images, but attunes its doubts and modulations to the urban traces and transmutations. It then seems to delineate a “poethics” (M. Deguy) of the city.