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Urban research and practice

Dublin Core


Urban research and practice


, politique de la ville, politique urbaine, sciences politiques, gestion locale, aménagement urbain, développement urbain


Abstract from the publishers :
Urban Research & Practice, published in association with EURA (European Urban Research Association), focuses on urban policy. The journal includes papers that:

* provide a systematic description of :
- urban issues
- urban developments
- urban policies or
- urban policy-making and policy implementation
* seek to explain variations in urban policies or urban governance cross-sectorally or cross-nationally or that seek to explain such variations over time
* analyse and/or evaluate the effects of urban policies or process of urban governance
* analyse European-wide factors that impact on urban areas, urban policies and urban governance

As well as traditional academic papers, the journal includes a policy section, a project report section and book reviews. The policy section focuses on new policies launched at the European, national and regional levels that are of relevance to a wider audience. The project report section focuses on innovative projects being carried out at a local level (in cities or regions).

One of the key aims of the journal is to seek to bridge the intellectual and geographical 'divides' that currently exist in the field of urban affairs - specifically the North/South divide and the East/West divide and also the divides between distinct academic disciplines.
Contents :
Transnational urban policies: ‘relocating’ Spanish and Brazilian models of urban planning in Buenos Aires - Laurence Crot
Urban issues in nation-state agendas: a comparison in Western Europe - Ernesto d'Albergo
The role of local contexts: explaining the policy process of the URBAN programmes in Amsterdam and The Hague - Thea Dukes
Experience economy, creative class and business development in small Danish towns - Flemming Sørensen; Lars Fuglsang; Jon Sundbo
Women in architecture: the Spanish case - Inés Sánchez de Madariaga
Private initiatives in German urban development policy - János Brenner
Book reviews


Multiple authors






119 - 234

