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Journal of urban affairs

Dublin Core


Journal of urban affairs


, participation, mouvement social, politique de la ville, sciences politiques, logement social, déplacement de population, quartiers illégaux, sécurité, créativité, creativity


Abstract from the publisher :
Focusing on urban research and policy, the Journal of Urban Affairs is among the most widely cited journals in the field. Published for the Urban Affairs Association, the journal offers multidisciplinary perspectives concerned with:

· Urban theory and theoretical lines of inquiry relevant to the study of urban and regional phenomena;
· Theoretical, conceptual, or methodological approaches to community and metropolitan problems;
· Empirical research that advances the understanding of society and social change in the urban milieu; and
· Issues, policies, or programs of current interest to those who work in the field and study the urban and regional environment.
Contents :
Successful and unsuccessful participatory arrangements : Why is there a participatory movement at the local level? - Laurence Bherer
Canadian urban politics : Another "black hole"? - Gabriel Eidelman and Zack Taylor Nativity, ethnicity, and residential relocation : The experience of Hmong refugees and African Americans displaced from public housing - Ryan Allen and Edward G. Goetz Measuring the creative class : Do we know it when we see it? - Laura A. Reese, Jessica M. Faist and Gary Sands The spatial concentration of illegal residence and neighborhood safety - Arjen Leerkes and Wim Bernasco Book reviews  


Multiple authors


Wiley InterScience


August 2010



