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Space and culture

Dublin Core


Space and culture


, espace public, espace urbain, graffiti, bidonville, ruines, ruins, banlieue, désindustrialisation, interaction sociale


Abstract from the publisher :
Space and Culture brings together dynamic, critical interdisciplinary research at the interface of cultural geography, sociology, cultural studies, architectural theory, ethnography, communications, urban studies, environmental studies and discourse analysis. Space and Culture's unique focus is on social spaces, such as the home, laboratory, leisure spaces, the city, and virtual spaces.

In every issue, Space and Culture explores and critiques everyday life in contemporary cities, environment, and new media.
Contents :
Amanda Lagerkvist - The Future Is Here: Media, Memory, and Futurity in Shanghai
Anca Pusca - Industrial and Human Ruins of Postcommunist Europe
Tim Hecker - The Slum Pastoral: Helicopter Visuality and Koolhaas’s Lagos
Kenneth R. Culton and Ben Holtzman - The Growth and Disruption of a “Free Space”: Examining a Suburban Do It Yourself (DIY) Punk Scene
Brian Morris - Un/Wrapping Shibuya: Place, Media, and Punctualization
Anthony Lambert - (Re)Producing Country: Mapping Multiple Australian Spaces
Andrea Mubi Brighenti - At the Wall: Graffiti Writers, Urban Territoriality, and the Public Domain
Andrew C. Sparkes, David H.K. Brown, and Elizabeth Partington - The “Jock Body” and the Social Construction of Space: The Performance and Positioning of Cultural Identity


Multiple authors




August 2010


220 - 348

