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International journal of urban and regional research

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International journal of urban and regional research


, aménagement urbain, réseaux, gouvernance, culture urbaine, gentrification, ségrégation résidentielle, inégalité résidentielle, logement, déplacement de population, renouvellement urbain, espace urbain, voisinage, coopérative d'habitants


Abstract from the publisher :
A groundbreaking forum for intellectual debate, IJURR is at the forefront of urban and regional research. With a cutting edge approach to linking theoretical development and empirical research, and a consistent demand for quality, IJURR encompasses key material from an unparalleled range of critical, comparative and geographic perspectives. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach to the field, IJURR is essential reading for social scientists with a concern for the complex, changing roles and futures of cities and regions.
Contents :
Yvonne Rydin - Planning and the Technological Society: Discussing the London Plan
Renaud Payre - The Importance of Being Connected. City Networks and Urban Government: Lyon and Eurocities (1990–2005)
Virag Molnar - The Cultural Production of Locality: Reclaiming the ‘European City’ in Post-Wall Berlin
Ellen Reese, Geoffrey Deverteuil and Leanne Thach - ‘Weak-Center’ Gentrification and the Contradictions of Containment: Deconcentrating Poverty in Downtown Los Angeles
Shenjing He, Fulong Wu, Chris Webster and Yuting Lui - Poverty Concentration and Determinants in China's Urban Low-income Neighbourhoods and Social Groups
Mi Shih - The Evolving Law of Disputed Relocation: Constructing Inner-City Renewal Practices in Shanghai, 1990–2005
Sukumar Ganapati - Enabling Housing Cooperatives: Policy Lessons from Sweden, India and the United States
Jenny Onyx and Rosemary Leonard - The Conversion of Social Capital into Community Development: an Intervention in Australia's Outback
Alice Mah - Memory, Uncertainty and Industrial Ruination: Walker Riverside, Newcastle upon Tyne
Tim Bunnell and Anant Maringanti - Practising Urban and Regional Research beyond Metrocentricity
Him Chung - Building an image of Villages-in-the-City: A Clarification of China's Distinct Urban Spaces
Book reviews


Multiple authors




June 2010



