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Cities (Volume 27, No. 6)

Dublin Core


Cities (Volume 27, No. 6)


, transport, développement durable, espace public, espace urbain, gouvernance, nature dans la ville, voisinage, changement climatique, aménagement urbain, renouvellement urbain, pauvreté, Tirana


Abstract from the publisher :
Cities offers a comprehensive range of articles on all aspects of urban policy. It provides an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas and information between urban planners and policy makers from national and local government, non-government organizations, academia and consultancy.

The primary aims of the journal are to analyse and assess past and present urban development and management as a reflection of effective, ineffective and non-existent planning policies; and the promotion of the implementation of appropriate urban policies in both the developed and the developing world.

Topics covered include: Housing, homelessness and health; urban management; public-private sector cooperation; Third World development and planning problems; urban regeneration; urban conservation and design; technological innovation and urban planning; urban transportation.

Each issue also features a profile of a major city. Coverage includes a brief description of the city's historical development, an account of contemporary conditions, problems or issues, and a critical review of recent or current policy, planning or management responses.
Contents :
Sustainable transport and the modernisation of urban transport in Delhi and Stockholm - Marie Thynell, Dinesh Mohan, Geetam Tiwari
Differential community effects on perception and use of urban greenspaces - Alex Y.H. Lo, C.Y. Jim
Promoting public space governance in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - Khalid Nasralden Mandeli
Can community design build trust? A comparative study of design factors in Boise, Idaho neighborhoods - Susan G. Mason
An integrated city-level planning process to address the impacts of climate change in Kenya: The case of Mombasa - Justus Kithiia, Robyn Dowling
Using deprivation indices in regeneration: Does the response match the diagnosis? - Alastair Greig, Mohamed El-Haram, Malcolm Horner
City Profile : Tirana - Dorina Pojani


Multiple authors




December 2010


421 - 495

