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Planning perspectives (Vol. 25, No. 4)

Dublin Core


Planning perspectives (Vol. 25, No. 4)


, aménagement de l'espace, espace urbain, parc, park, aménagement urbain, histoire de l'urbanisme


Abstract from the publisher :
Planning Perspectives is a peer-reviewed international journal of history, planning and the environment, publishing historical and prospective articles on many aspects of plan making and implementation. Subjects covered link the interest of those working in economic, social and political history, historical geography and historical sociology with those in the applied fields of public health, housing construction, architecture and town planning. The Journal has a substantial book review section, covering UK, North American and European literature.
Contents :
Spatial practice, conceived space and lived space: Hong Kong’s ‘Piers saga’ through the Lefebvrian lens - Mee Kam Ng; Wing Shing Tang; Joanna Lee; Darwin Leung
The Illinois Forest Preserve District Act of 1913 and the emergence of metropolitan park system planning in the USA - Rebecca C. Retzlaff
‘This villa life’: town planning, suburbs and the ‘new social order’ in early twentieth-century Sydney - Paul Ashton
The limits of scientific planning: Doxiadis and the Tehran Action Plan - Ali Madanipour
Brazilian city planners, American city planning? New perspectives on urban planning in Rio de Janeiro, 1930–1945 - Vera F. Rezende
Transforming the modern Latin American city: Robert Moses and the International Basic Economic Corporation - Maria Cristina da Silva Leme
European Association for Urban History Conference 2008, Lyon, 27–30 August 2008 and ‘Modeling Spaces – Modifying Societies’, Darmstadt, 7–9 October 2009 - Sebastian Haumann
Book reviews
Book notes - John R. Gold


Multiple authors


Routledge Informaworld




411 - 563

