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Urban spaces : Feminist review (Vol. 96, Issue 1)

Dublin Core


Urban spaces : Feminist review (Vol. 96, Issue 1)


genre, gender, femmes, women, feminism, féminisme, littérature, histoire urbaine, Cronin Anne M., Oakley-Brown Liz


Abstract from the publisher :
Drawing on a range of different genres (oral narratives, poetry, first hand accounts, drama, prose, novels, travelogues and guidebooks), this issue asks how we understand the city. More specifically it asks how these genres motivate particular ways of conceptualising the city, exploring gender, sexuality and urban space. The articles offer an analysis of accounts and representations from the late 16th century to modern day and produce not only different ways of imagining the city, but different conceptual and sensory frameworks for experiencing it. They ‘re-gender’ and ‘re-sexualise’ the dominant ways of theorising urban space, challenging the ideal of the disembodied theorist who produces knowledge of the city.
Contents :
Editorial - Urban spaces : gender, genre, mediation - Anne M Cronin and Liz Oakley-Brown
Keynote - Unmapped spaces – gender, generation and the city - Janet Wolff
‘Ah famous citie’: women, writing, and early modern London - Helen Wilcox
Playing for all in the city: women's drama - Alison Findlay
Queer sex in the metropolis? place, subjectivity and the Second World War - Emma Vickers
Revolutionary voices: Nordic women writers and the development of female urban prose 1860–1900 - Janke Klok
Alice Notley's disobedient cities - Zoë Skoulding

Open Space : Introduction to open space - Nirmal Puwar
Once More with Feeling: an abbreviated history of feminist performance art - Oriana Fox
The eyes of Agnès Varda: portraiture, cinécriture and the filmic ethnographic eye - Emma Jackson
On fiction, femininity, and fashion: an interview with Linda Grant - Emma Parker
You and me do not start here - Nirmal Puwar

Book Reviews
  Anne M. Cronin is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Lancaster University. Liz Oakley-Brown is a Lecturer in Renaissance Writing at Lancaster University.  




Palgrave Macmillan


October 2010


1-135; e1-e22

