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Urban studies (Vol. 47, No. 14)

Dublin Core


Urban studies (Vol. 47, No. 14)


, mixité sociale, cosmopolitisme, imaginaire, logement, ségrégation résidentielle, emploi, ville en déclin, foncier, économie


Abstract from the publisher :

Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Contents :
George Galster, Roger Andersson, and Sako Musterd - Who Is Affected by Neighbourhood Income Mix? Gender, Age, Family, Employment and Income Differences
Ranji Devadason - Cosmopolitanism, Geographical Imaginaries and Belonging in North London
Mark Stephens - Locating Chinese Urban Housing Policy in an International Context
Zoua M. Vang - Housing Supply and Residential Segregation in Ireland
Taede Tillema, Bert van Wee, and Dick Ettema - Road Pricing and Relocation Decisions of Dutch Households
Miquel-Àngel Garcia-López and Ivan Muñiz - Employment Decentralisation: Polycentricity or Scatteration? The Case of Barcelona
Jose A. Belso-Martinez - Outsourcing Decisions, Product Innovation and the Spatial Dimension: Evidence from the Spanish Footwear Industry
Peter Lugosi, David Bell, and Krisztina Lugosi - Hospitality, Culture and Regeneration: Urban Decay, Entrepreneurship and the ‘Ruin’ Bars of Budapest
Genevieve Giuliano, Peter Gordon, Qisheng Pan, and JiYoung Park - Accessibility and Residential Land Values: Some Tests with New Measures
Bun Song Lee, Soomyung Jang, and Sung Hyo Hong - Marshall’s Scale Economies and Jacobs’ Externality in Korea: the Role of Age, Size and the Legal Form of Organisation of Establishments
Book reviews


Multiple authors




December 2010


2915 - 3170

