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Urban studies (Vol. 48, No. 1)

Dublin Core


Urban studies (Vol. 48, No. 1)


, économie, emploi, réseaux, gentrification, jardin, immobilier, développement urbain, transport, commerce, événements, events


Abstract from the publisher :
Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Contents :
Yu Chen - Occupational Attainment of Migrants and Local Workers: Findings from a Survey in Shanghai’s Manufacturing Sector
Stef Adriaenssens and Jef Hendrickx - Street-level Informal Economic Activities: Estimating the Yield of Begging in Brussels
Richard J. White and Anne E. Green - Opening up or Closing down Opportunities?: The Role of Social Networks and Attachment to Place in Informing Young Peoples’ Attitudes and Access to Training and Employment
Robert Murdie and Carlos Teixeira - The Impact of Gentrification on Ethnic Neighbourhoods in Toronto: A Case Study of Little Portugal
Johan Andersson - Vauxhall’s Post-industrial Pleasure Gardens: ‘Death Wish’ and Hedonism in 21st-century London
Michael Duncan - The Impact of Transit-oriented Development on Housing Prices in San Diego, CA
Marlon G. Boarnet, Kenneth Joh, Walter Siembab, William Fulton, and Mai Thi Nguyen - Retrofitting the Suburbs to Increase Walking: Evidence from a Land-use-Travel Study
Barrie Needham, Arno Segeren, and Edwin Buitelaar - Institutions in Theories of Land Markets: Illustrated by the Dutch Market for Agricultural Land
Jill Grant and Katherine Perrott - Where Is the Café? The Challenge of Making Retail Uses Viable in Mixed-use Suburban Developments
K.F. Gotham - Resisting Urban Spectacle: The 1984 Louisiana World Exposition and the Contradictions of Mega Events
Book Reviews


Multiple authors


SAGE Journals Online


January 2011


1 - 226

