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Cities (Vol. 28, No. 3)

Dublin Core


Cities (Vol. 28, No. 3)


, mondialisation, inégalité spatiale, transport, pauvreté, immobilier, aménagement urbain, projet urbain, politique urbaine


Abstract from the publisher :
Cities offers a comprehensive range of articles on all aspects of urban policy. It provides an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas and information between urban planners and policy makers from national and local government, non-government organizations, academia and consultancy.
Contents :
Hong Zhu, Junxi Qian and Yun Gao - Globalization and the production of city image in Guangzhou's metro station advertisements
Joseph Cho-yam Lau - Spatial mismatch and the affordability of public transport for the poor in Singapore's new towns Manya M. Mooya - Making urban real estate markets work for the poor : Theory, policy and practice Jordi Oliver-Solà, Alejandro Josa, Alejandro P. Arena, Xavier Gabarrell, Joan Rieradevall - The GWP-Chart : An environmental tool for guiding urban planning processes. Application to concrete sidewalks Davide Ponzini - Large scale development projects and star architecture in the absence of democratic politics : The case of Abu Dhabi, UAE Manuel B. Aalbers, Wouter P. C. van Gent, Fenne M. Pinkster - Comparing deconcentrating poverty policies in the United States and the Netherlands : A critical reply to Stal and Zuberl Stefan Bouzarovski - Skopje Book review  


Multiple authors




June 2011


221 - 280

