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Cities : The international journal of urban policy and planning (Vol. 28, No. 4)

Dublin Core


Cities : The international journal of urban policy and planning (Vol. 28, No. 4)


, territoire, cadre de vie, économie, développement urbain, croissance urbaine, paysage urbain, Maringá , politique urbaine, aménagement urbain


Abstract from the publisher :
Cities offers a comprehensive range of articles on all aspects of urban policy. It provides an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas and information between urban planners and policy makers from national and local government, non-government organizations, academia and consultancy.

The primary aims of the journal are to analyse and assess past and present urban development and management as a reflection of effective, ineffective and non-existent planning policies; and the promotion of the implementation of appropriate urban policies in both the developed and the developing world.
Contents :
Takashi Tsukamoto - Devolution, new regionalism and economic revitalization in Japan : Emerging urban political economy and politics of scale in Osaka - Kansai
Paul Higgins, Josep M. Campanera - (Sustainable) quality of life in English city locations Carl Grodach - Barriers to sustainable economic development : The Dallas-Fort Worth experience Menno van der Veen and Willem K. Korthals Altes - Urban development agreements : Do they meet guiding principles for a better deal? Mahdi Sabet Sarvestani, Ab. Latif Ibrahim, Pavlos Kanaroglou - Three decades of urban growth in the city of Shiraz, Iran : A remote sensing and geographic information systems application Sylvain Lefebvre and Romain Roult - Formula One's new urban economics Albert S. Fu - Contradictions in California's orientalist landscape : Architecture, history and Spanish-Colonial Revival Joseli Macedo - Maringá: A British Garden City in the tropics  


Multiple authors




August 2011


281 - 360

