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Urbanity, fear and political action : Exploration of intersections. Emotion, space and society

Dublin Core


Urbanity, fear and political action : Exploration of intersections. Emotion, space and society


, urbanité, fear, peur, mouvement social, politique de la ville, sécurité, délinquance, Boudreau Julie-Anne


Extract from the Editorial by Jule-Anne Boudreau :
The city has long been the target of fear : fear of crime, fear of strangers, fear of difference, fear of radicals and rioters, fear of pollution, fear of filth and disease. In the last decade, however, the city has become associated with fear in intensifying ways. Firstly, recalling the heydays of industrialization, the city is more than ever seen as vulnerable to attacks from terrorists, disease, technological failure or natural catastrophe. Secondly, the city is often imagined as the wellspring of terrorism, particularly in the slums of the Global South or in the non-white neighbourhoods of Paris, London, New York, and so on. These spaces are feared as a constant reminder of our failure to eliminate poverty, racism, and complexity. Thirdly indeed, the city is feared for its "uncontrollable" complexity, for its speed, density, energy...
The articles of this themed issue therefore exmplre the consequences of renewed fear of and in the city for political mobilization.
Contents :
  Julie-Anne Boudreau - Urbanity, fear, and political action : Explorations of intersections Julie-Anne Boudreau and Felipe de Alba - The figure of the hero in cinematographic and urban spaces : Fear and politics in Ciudad Juarez Riley Olstead - Gender, space and fear : A study of women's edgework Yves Pedrazzini and Godefroy Desrosiers-Lauzon - Asphalt bandits : Fear, insecurity, and uncertainty in the Latin American city Julien Rebotier - Politicizing fear of crime and insecurity in Caracas : The manufacturing of a fearful urban meta-narrative Lilian Mathieu - Neighbors' anxieties against prostitutes' fears : Ambivalence and repression in the policing of street prostitution in France  






May 2011


71 - 130

