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City : Analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action (Vol. 15, No. 2)

Dublin Core


City : Analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action (Vol. 15, No. 2)


, banlieue, mondialisation, justice sociale, justice spatiale, droit à la ville, privatisation, culture urbaine, urbanité, Catterall Bob


Abstract from the publisher :
City is a journal of provocative, cutting-edge and committed insights into, analysis of, and commentary on the contemporary urban world. We record and analyse 'the city', cities and their futures, and urbanization from multiple perspectives including: the information and digital revolutions, war and imperialism, neoliberalism and gentrification, environment and sustainability, resistance and social movements, regeneration, resurgence and revanchism, race, class and gender, multi-culturalism and post-colonialism. City combines an analysis of trends, culture, policy and action, and features both historical and theoretical work alongside detailed case studies, policy commentary and open debate.
Contents :
Bob Catterall - Editorial
Caroline Knowles - Cities on the move : Navigating urban life David Kolb - Many centers : Suburban habitas Eduardo Mendieta - Medellín and Bogotá: The global cities of the other globalization Rachael Unsworth, Sue Ball, Irena Bauman, Paul Chatterton, Andrew Goldring, Katie Hill and Guy Julier - Building resilience and well-being in the margins within the city : Changing perceptions, making connections, realising potential, plugging resources leaks Colin McFarlane - Assemblage and critical urbanism Neil Brenner, David J. Madden and David Wachsmuth - Assemblage urbanism and the challenges of critical urban theory Maros Krivy, Eduardo Mendieta, Anna Richter and Bob Catterall - On 'the urbanism of nothing' Kurt Iveson - Social or spatial justice? Marcuse and Soja on the right to the city Edward W. Soja - Response to Kurt Iveson : 'Social or spatial justice? Marcuse and Soja on the right to the city' Anna Richter - Alternatives : Introduction Ulf Treger - City of creative privatisation : Fly posting and the public realm in Bremen Reviews : Jamison R. Miller - Arts and culture in urban redevelopment : It's not all bad Stuart Hodkinson - Can we really ride the urban tiger of global capitalism Daniel Makagon - Planning for the unintended, unexpected and accidental Bob Catterall - Endpiece : Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis : (22) Mediations, entrapment and counterrevolution  








133 - 284

