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International journal of urban and regional research (Vol. 35, No. 4)

Dublin Core


International journal of urban and regional research (Vol. 35, No. 4)


, économie, développement urbain, gated communities, ville mondiale, world city, banlieue, espace urbain


Abstract from the distributor :
A groundbreaking forum for intellectual debate, IJURR is at the forefront of urban and regional research. With a cutting edge approach to linking theoretical development and empirical research, and a consistent demand for quality, IJURR encompasses key material from an unparalleled range of critical, comparative and geographic perspectives. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach to the field, IJURR is essential reading for social scientists with a concern for the complex, changing roles and futures of cities and regions.
Contents :
David Wilson - Performative neoliberal-parasitic economies : The Chicago case
André Sorensen - Uneven processes of institutional change : Path dependence, scale and the contested regulation of urban development in Japan Zoltán Cséfalvay - Gated communities for security or prestige? A public choice approach and the case of Budapest Sonia Hirt and Mina Petrović - The Belgrade wall : The proliferation of gated housing in the Serbian capital after socialism Gillad Rosen and Jill Grant - Reproducing difference : Gated communities in Canada and Israel Vanessa Parlette and Deborah Cowen - Dead malls : Suburban activism, local spaces, global logistics Cynthia Negrey, Jeffery L. Osgood and Frank Goetzke - One package at a time : The distributive world city Julie Cidell - Distribution centers among the rooftops : The global logistics network meets the suburban spatial imagery Kevin Ward, David Imbroscio, Deborah Martin, Clarence Stone, Robert Whelan, Faranak Miraftab and Allan Cochrane - Urban politics : An interdisciplinary dialogue Book reviews    


Multiple authors




July 2011



