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Renewing urban politics : Urban studies (Vol. 48, No. 12)

Dublin Core


Renewing urban politics : Urban studies (Vol. 48, No. 12)


, gouvernance, politique de la ville, politique urbaine, sciences politiques


Abstract from the publisher :
Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Contents :
Gordon MacLeod and Martin Jones - Renewing urban politics
Delphine Ancien - Global city theory and the new urban politics twenty years on : The case for a geohistorical materialist approach to the (new) urban politics of global cities Roger Keil - The global city comes home : Internalised globalisation in Frankfurt Rhine-Main Ian R. Cook and Kevin Ward - Trans-urban networks of learning, mega events and policy tourism : The case of Manchester's Commonwealth and Olympic Games projects Andrew E. G. Jonas, David Gibbs, and Aidan While - The new urban politics as a politics of carbon control Robert P. Fairbanks II - The politics of urban informality in Philadelphia's recovery house movement Ipsita Chatterjee - Governance as 'performed', governance as 'inscribed' : New urban politics in Ahmedabad Nicholas A. Phelps and Andrew M. Wood - The new post-suburban politics? Pauline McGuirk and Robyn Dowling - Governing social reproduction in masterplanned estates : Urban politics and everyday life in Sydney Gordon MacLeod - Urban politics reconsidered : Growth machine to post-democratic city? Kevin R. Cox - Commentary. From the new urban politics to the 'new' metropolitan politics Mark Boyle - Commentary. The new urban politics thesis : Ruminations of MacLeod and Jones' Six Analytical Pathways  






September 2011


2443 - 2685

