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Urban studies (Vol. 48, No. 14)

Dublin Core


Urban studies (Vol. 48, No. 14)


, mondialisation, ville globale, global city, infrastructures, économie, industrie, industry, diversité, diversity, culture urbaine, logement, ségrégation résidentielle


Abstract from the publisher:
Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Eric Ross - Globalising Touba: Expatriate disciples in the world city network
Michele Acuto - Finding the global city: An analytical journay through the 'invisible college' De Wang, Li Zhang, Zhao Zhang and Simon Xiaobin Zhao - Urban infrastructure financing in reform-era China George C. S. Lin, Cassandra C. Wang, Yu Zhou, Yifei Sun and Yehua Dennis Wei - Placing technological innovation in globalising China: Production linkage, knowledge exchange and innovative performance of the ICT industry in a developing economy Tsu Lung Chou, Chia-Ho Ching, Shu-min Fan and Jung-Ying Chang - Global linkages, the Chinese high-tech community and industrial cluster development: The semiconductor industry in Wuxi, Jingsu Sarah Williams and Elizabeth Currid-Halkett - The emergence of Los Angeles as a fashion hub: A comparative spatial analysis of the New York and Los Angeles fashion industries Francis Leo Collins and Wardlow Friesen - Making the most of diversity? The intercultural city project and a rescaled version of diversity in Auckland, New Zealand Erling Holden and Kristen Linnerud - Troublesome leisure travel: The contradictions of three sustainable transport policies Geoffrey Meen and Christian Nygaard - Local housing supply and the impact of history and geography David Manley and Maarten van Ham - Choice-based letting, ethnicity and segregation in England Book reviews  


Multiple authors




November 2011



