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Cities of the Americas. City and community (Vol. 10, No. 4)

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Cities of the Americas. City and community (Vol. 10, No. 4)


Amérique latine, Latin America, Canada, race, logement, appartenance, belonging, lien social, urbanisation, sociologie urbaine


Extract from the Editorial:
The articles in this issue of City & Community look northward and southward, comparing the urban United States to other cities of the Americas. It brings together three articles on Canadian cities and three essays on Latin American cities. Like the compilation of articles on “Cities of the Middle East” in the fourth issue of volume 9, City & Community has assembled contributions on Canadian cities into this fourth issue of volume 10. The intention is to encourage through comparison more reflection on how a neighboring, broadly similar, but nonetheless different nation-state shapes urban social life. This issue of C&C also includes three essays that analyze North American cities and/or U.S. urban sociology from the perspective of Latin American urbanism. In an increasingly global era, urban theorists need to stretch the imagination and look farther afield to appreciate contemporary urban trends.
Cities of the Americas:
Editor's introduction   Articles on Canadian cities: Bernie Hogan and Brent Berry - Racial and ethnic biases in rental housing: An audit study of online apartment listings Zheng Wu, Feng Hou and Christoph M. Schimmele - Racial diversity and sense of belonging in urban neighborhoods Eric Fong and Elic Chan - Residential patterns among religious groups in Canadian cities   Cities in Latin America: Bryan R. Roberts - The consolidation of the Latin American city and the undermining of social cohesion Nora Libertun de Duren - The national embeddedness of urbanization trajectories Javier Auyero - Researching the urban margins: What can the United States learn from Latin America and vice versa?   Book reviews  


Multiple authors




December 2011



