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Urban studies (Vol. 49, No. 1)

Dublin Core


Urban studies (Vol. 49, No. 1)


post-socialist city, ville post-socialiste, périphéries, mutation urbaine, gouvernance, emploi, immigration, musée, museum, city branding, lien social, immobilier


Abstract from the publisher:
Urban Studies deals with every kind of urban and regional problem that is susceptible to social science or other relevant analysis. These range from such problems as urban housing, employment, race, politics and crime, to problems of regional investment and transport. Although most articles published deal with problems located in the advanced industrial societies of Europe and the Americas, important articles dealing with these problems in Asia, the Third World and in Eastern Europe are also published regularly.
Kadri Leetmaa, Isolde Brade, Kristi Anniste and Mari Nuga - Socialist summer-home settlements in post-socialist suburbanisation
Martyna Śliwa and Kathleen Riach - Making scents of transition: Smellscapes and the everyday in 'old' and 'new' urban Poland Luděk Sýkora and Stefan Bouzarovski - Multiple transformations: Conceptualising the post-communist urban transition Randy Lippert and Mark Sleiman - Ambassadors, Business Improvement District governance and knowledge of the urban Genevieve Giuliano, Chris Redfearn, Ajay Agarwal and Sylvia He - Network accessibility and employment centres Jonathan Denis-Jacob - Cultural industries in small-sized Canadian cities: Dream or reality? R S. Oropesa - Neighbourhood disorder and social cohesiveness among immigrants in a new destination: Dominicans in Reading, PA Jane Bryan, Max Munday and Richard Bevins - Developing a framework for assessing the socioeconomic impacts of museums: The regional value of the 'flexible museum' Marguerite van den Berg - Femininity as a city marketing strategy: Gender bending Rotterdam Geoff Nichols and Rita Ralston - Lessons from the volunteering legacy of the 2002 Commonwealth Games Sarah Botterman, Marc Hooghe and Tim Reeskens - 'One size fits all'? An empirical study into the multidimensionality of social cohesion indicators in Belgian local communities Steve Cook - β-convergence and the cyclical dynamics of UK regional house prices  


Multiple authors




January 2012



